The Economics of Everyday Things: “My Sharona”

Episode Summary

The episode tells the story behind the hit song "My Sharona", which was written in 1979 by Doug Fieger and Berton Aver of the band The Knack. At first, The Knack was just a struggling band playing small clubs in Los Angeles. One day, Fieger became infatuated with a 17-year-old girl named Sharona Alperin and decided to write a song about her. In just one hour, Fieger and Aver composed "My Sharona," which showcased Aver's instantly recognizable guitar riff. After signing with Capitol Records, The Knack recorded their debut album Get the Knack, which included "My Sharona." The song shot to number one on the charts and stayed there for six weeks. As the songwriters, Fieger and Aver earned substantial royalties from radio play, record sales, and covers of the tune. In later decades, "My Sharona" found renewed popularity through its use in films like Reality Bites. Today, Aver still earns six-figure royalty checks annually from the continued radio play, licensing, and streaming of a song he co-wrote 43 years ago. Though Sharona Alperin did not profit from the hit about her, she has embraced its legacy, even naming her real estate website

Episode Show Notes

Can a hit single from four decades ago still pay the bills? Zachary Crockett f-f-f-finds out in the third episode of our newest podcast, "The Economics of Everyday Things."

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_05: Hey there, it's Stephen Dubner. You are about to hear the third episode of our newest podcast, The Economics of Everyday Things. It is hosted by Zachary Crockett, and you can get all the episodes on any podcast app. Here's Zachary. SPEAKER_01: I recently talked to a woman whose name I have heard hundreds of times at the grocery store karaoke bars in my car. But before the world knew her name, she was just a typical teenager in the late 1970s living it up in Los Angeles. SPEAKER_08: It was a pretty carefree life in those days. We would just, you know, go to someone's house and rock out the cars, the pretenders, blondie. Oh yeah. All those songs that you would just air guitar in your bedroom. I was a 16, 17 year old person. I was working in a clothing store and this guy said, Hey, I'm playing at SIR Studios. Do you want to come check me out? And so I went, I brought some friends. They were honestly really good. And then he asked to take me to lunch and he told me, I am absolutely madly in love with you. We're going to be together one day. And I was like, what are you kidding me? You're many, many years older than me. And I'm just not available. He ended up really pursuing me. I didn't go with him for that first year when he was kind of being my groupie. That's when he's writing these songs. Every club, the Starwood, the Troubadour, the Whiskey, three shows a night, sold out, cut to, I'm driving back to my work and I'm just like, did I just hear a song with my name in it on the radio? Like what just happened? SPEAKER_01: From the Freakonomics Radio Network, this is the economics of everyday things. I'm Zachary Trockett. Today, My Sharona. It's the story of how one hit single can pay off for decades. On August 25th, 1979, My Sharona seized the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100. It stayed there for a full six weeks, becoming the biggest hit of the year. In an era of disco dominance, My Sharona stood out. The song was written by singer guitarist Doug Figer, who died in 2010. And this guy. SPEAKER_06: My name is Burton Aver. I was the lead guitarist and co-writer in a group, The Knack. SPEAKER_01: The Knack was a rock quartet that formed in L.A. in 1978. When our band first started, I was living in my parents' house in the valley. We weren't SPEAKER_06: making any money at that point. SPEAKER_01: But the band has soon gained a cult following for their high energy shows at clubs in West Hollywood. And it wasn't long before Figer planted the seed for a song that would change their lives. My Sharona was one of the first songs that Doug and I wrote together when we started SPEAKER_06: playing the troubadour. Doug was always saying, we should have a song that's like the end of the set that makes them want us to play an encore. I was a huge fan of Elvis Costello's. And the drum breakdown and pump it up was like so just feral and exciting. I picked up a guitar and I started playing the riff that we know is the Sharona riff. And I thought, this is pretty good. I like this. So we went back to Doug's apartment and Sharona was this young woman and Doug took a shine to her. He just off the top of his head came up with the kind of stuttering, the Sharona. He was channeling Roger Daltrey and my generation. SPEAKER_06: And we cranked it out. You know, I'd say maybe an hour. Best hour ever. In economic SPEAKER_01: terms, that one hour of songwriting was one of the two most productive hours of Burton of Air's life. We'll hear about the other in a minute. The band at this point was only earning a few hundred dollars per gig, but they were building buzz. There was 100 percent SPEAKER_06: word of mouth. We were kind of a local sensation in that sense. We had a string of really big names getting up and jamming with us because we played really well for a band. We're talking SPEAKER_01: Stephen Stills, Eddie Money, Tom Petty. And then Springsteen got up and jammed with us SPEAKER_06: and the record companies that were there. The next morning, our manager is fielding calls from all of them talking potential record deals. They signed with Capitol Records for SPEAKER_01: an advance of around one hundred thousand dollars, which was pretty sizable at the time. But a record advance isn't pure profit. There are strings attached. The label gives SPEAKER_06: you advance money so that you could record the album and then your first sales, all the money goes back to them until you've paid back the advance. Right. So in an era where people were spending like four hundred thousand dollars to make their albums, we spent and this isn't an exaggeration, seventeen and a half thousand dollars. That thrifty approach SPEAKER_01: led to the other most productive hour of Burton of Air's life. Most of what we did in the SPEAKER_06: studio were one takes one takes and then we record the singing. You hear a lot of big SPEAKER_01: name bands, you know, spending hours and hours and hours in the studio, just carefully crafting one song. That was not the case here. No. So after recording my Sharona and the eleven other songs that went on to their nineteen seventy nine debut album, Get the Knack, the band was left with more than eighty two thousand dollars from the advance. The tradeoff with an advance is that once you take the record company's money, the recordings become their property, not yours. I mean, mid to late 70s, the traditional deal would be that the record SPEAKER_02: company would own the master and they would provide a percentage of the sales to the artist. They would call them points. That's Michael Kloster, head of the music SPEAKER_01: publisher Reach Music. He represents both of their and the estate of Doug Figer. You SPEAKER_02: know, if you had 10 points, 12 points, 14 points, the record company would be making the majority 90 percent, 85 percent. Our band got, because we were in demand, 13 SPEAKER_06: points, which was for a new band. It was unheard of. That's 13 percent of every physical SPEAKER_01: copy sold. And the album Get the Knack sold two million copies in the first year alone. At first, the Knack didn't get to collect their artist royalties. Those went straight to Capitol to pay back that one hundred thousand dollar advance. Once that debt was paid, though, the band started receiving checks. And that was very nice for all four members of the Knack, Burton of Air and Doug Figer, along with bassist Prescott Niles and drummer Bruce Gary. Meanwhile, my Sharona was all over the radio, and that meant performance royalties. That's a huge revenue stream, especially SPEAKER_02: back in the day, if you had a big radio hit, you would generate significant performance income. Performance royalties get paid when recording SPEAKER_01: is played in public, say over the radio at a roller rink or in a store. But that money didn't go to the Knack. It went to Doug Figer and Burton of Air, the two band members who had written the song back in Figer's apartment. They owned the copyright to My Sharona as a composition. The tune, the lyrics, the rhythm, the chords. Being the songwriter is really key to your financial success and your longevity. It kicks SPEAKER_02: off numerous amounts of other royalty streams that really have nothing to do with the record company and that the record company would not be recouping against. SPEAKER_01: As the songwriters, Aver and Figer also got an extra share of the record sales, according to copyright holders. That's called mechanical royalties. I remember the first check I got from the mechanicals and it was about 90,000. SPEAKER_01: Remember, performance royalties and mechanical royalties are attached to the song as a composition, not the recording. This was Figer and Aver getting paid for that first golden hour writing the song in Figer's apartment, not the second golden hour when they were cranking out the record in the studio with Prescott Niles and Bruce Gary. All of this was just the beginning. Later that year, a college student in San Luis Obispo, California had the idea to record a parody of My Sharona. He sent it in to the disc jockey Dr. Demento, who played novelty songs on his nationally syndicated radio show. That is how the world first met Weird Al Yankovic. My Ballona was released as a single and on Yankovic's first album. And because My Ballona was adapted from Aver and Figer's song, they collected royalties whenever the parody version was played or sold. That wasn't always the case when other musicians made use of My Sharona. In 1987, Run DMC used a sample from the NAC's own recording of the song. At that point, the law around using samples was a bit unclear. Run DMC never got permission from the NAC to use the recording, so the rock band didn't get paid when It's Tricky made the charts. 19 years later, the NAC filed suit for copyright infringement and the parties came to an undisclosed settlement. Now, samples usually are not a big money maker. For My Sharona, the serious bucks were yet to come. That's after this break. SPEAKER_05: Freakonomics Radio is sponsored by The Real Good Podcast. The Real Good Podcast by US Bank aims to celebrate and learn from those working to change historical institutions and policies that disenfranchise BIPOC communities and women. Hosted by Faith Salley, each season provides the opportunity to learn from people who are on the ground working to better their immediate communities or their industries. Topics include building community-centered small businesses, bringing minority deposit institutions to new markets, the real impact of diversity programs at the corporate level, and more. This is not a banking podcast, but Faith and guests do explore how various issues impact people's ability to reach their goals and build generational wealth. The goal is to have open, direct discussions of the issues without sugarcoating things with corporate speak or letting corporations, including US Bank, off the hook from doing their part to change systems of power for the better. Listen to Real Good on all major podcast platforms or visit slash real good. When Carl's Jr. plays with fire and a big charbroiled Angus burger with melted pepperjack SPEAKER_07: cheese, spicy Santa Fe sauce, and a whole fire roasted charred Anaheim chili, you get layer after layer after layer of the big, bold, smoky sweet heat of the new Carl's Jr. Big Char chili burger available for a limited time at participating restaurants. SPEAKER_01: By the early 90s, the revenue streams from My Sharona had seriously decreased for Burton Aver. I mean, Doug and I were getting by. We weren't like on the street or anything, SPEAKER_06: but we weren't making significant money. The Knack had put out follow up albums in SPEAKER_01: 1980 and 1981, and he sold a few hundred thousand copies apiece. Decent, but nowhere near the success of Get the Knack. Shortly after that, the members started to squabble and the band split up. They later reunited for a fourth album, which was a critical and commercial flop. It seemed that the Knack had run its course. And yet, as Michael Kloster points out, you know, anything that hit number one from a certain time period will be used and SPEAKER_02: rediscovered. For My Sharona, that happened in 1994. SPEAKER_01: Emmion is naive, spelled backwards. Can you turn this up, please? Please? You won't be SPEAKER_07: sorry. Thank you. Reality Bites. That was a really big use of SPEAKER_02: My Sharona. Reality Bites was a comedy directed by Ben SPEAKER_01: Stiller about the romantic and creative struggles of 20-something Gen Xers. It grossed more than $20 million. And some of that went back to Avair and Fieger in the form of something called synchronization royalties. Synchronization income, which is the licensing SPEAKER_02: of music in a film or TV show or an advertisement or a video game. That's a huge revenue stream for the songwriter. There's no barriers except for the free market to tell you what you can charge for your song. We made a good chunk off of the sync rights. SPEAKER_06: It was probably about 60,000. Reality Bites put the original recording of SPEAKER_01: My Sharona back on Billboard's Hot 100 chart again, 15 years after its release. SPEAKER_06: What happens is that the people who were into it originally are at a different stage of life. They re-experienced the song. And then what also happens is new fans. New fans, new sales, and even more synchronization deals. Do you have a rough estimate on how SPEAKER_01: many films and commercials and advertisements My Sharona has been used in over the years? It could be 50. We're constantly throughout the year licensing SPEAKER_02: the song in all different types of situations and all over the world. So you never know when you're going to get a great email in your inbox, how they want to use your song in a very large substantial way, which equals a very large substantial payday. SPEAKER_01: The 21st century has introduced one more income source for My Sharona. Streaming royalties. Paid by platforms like Spotify and Apple Music when users play the song. The record label negotiates a rate for the recording and then gives the band a cut. And the publisher collects a mechanical royalty and a performance royalty, both of which go to the songwriters. Those rates are a lot lower than what a band makes on physical record sales. SPEAKER_02: When you look at your statements and you actually see the per song micropeny rate, you're like, oh my lord. On an individual line basis, it's very minuscule, but we're talking about such volume that it really adds up. Before he died from cancer in 2010, Doug Feiger SPEAKER_01: called My Sharona the golden albatross. Bert Nevers, for his part, is still composing new tunes, mostly in musical theater. But if he'd never lifted a finger beyond that hit song, he'd still be getting paid. I know you don't want to say the exact amount of the checks, but are we talking like mortgage payment money, car payment money? Well, let me put it this way. It's easily over a hundred thousand a year and less than SPEAKER_06: I say three hundred thousand. I still make a very good living off of that one song. I do not have the wolf at the door. Probably never will. SPEAKER_01: So a man who co-wrote one hit song forty three years ago still makes six figures off of it to this day. None of that money is flowing to Sharona Alperin. Today, she's a real estate agent in Los Angeles. She has some ambivalent feelings about the hit record that was written about her. A record, I should say, that presents a 17 year old girl as the object of an older man's lust. SPEAKER_08: I mean, come on, my? Let's think about it. Is there a more obsessive or possessive word in the English language? My? It's like, dude, no, I'm not yours. It was time for me to be my Sharona. SPEAKER_01: And where should people go if they want to find your business online? Oh, thank you for SPEAKER_08: asking. They can go to my Sharona dot com. SPEAKER_01: For the economics of everyday things, I'm Zachary Crockett. This episode was produced by Sarah Lilly and mixed by Jeremy Johnston with help from Greg Ripen, Jasmine Klinger and Emma Terrell. Our executive team is Neil Karuth, Gabriel Roth and Stephen Dubner. SPEAKER_05: Hey there, it's Stephen Dubner again. I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did, which was a lot. By the way, on a recent episode of Freakonomics Radio, we looked at the phenomenon of the one hit wonder from a different angle. That episode is called What's Wrong With Being a One Hit Wonder. Meanwhile, if you are loving this new show, The Economics of Everyday Things, go to your podcast app and follow or subscribe right now. We will be back soon with a new episode of Freakonomics Radio. Until then, take care of yourself and if you can, someone else, SPEAKER_01: too. If we wanted to play my Sharona on this podcast, how much would that set us back? We would SPEAKER_02: enter into a free market negotiation and I would try to extract as much as I can from you. No, no. We're all good. SPEAKER_01: The Freakonomics Radio Network, the hidden side of everything. SPEAKER_08: Stitcher SPEAKER_00: Amika is a different type of insurance company. We provide you with something more than an auto home or life insurance. 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