Could AI give you X-ray vision? | Tara Boroushaki

Episode Summary

Title: Could AI give you X-ray vision Tara Boroushaki is developing technology that uses AI to essentially give people X-ray vision. She is using wireless signals like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi that are scattered in an environment. The signals hit objects and reflect back, allowing algorithms to map the environment in 3D and locate objects. This could help people find lost items or guide warehouse workers. Boroushaki also taught these abilities to a robot equipped with a camera and wireless sensor. The robot can accurately locate objects like keys hidden under clutter. An AI algorithm helps the robot adapt to new environments and find objects it hasn't seen before. Potential applications include helping future household robots assist people, transforming how we interact with smartphones, aiding first responders in low visibility situations, and locating people trapped in rubble after disasters. The technology brings people one step closer to having magical powers.

Episode Show Notes

What if a robot could find and deliver your lost phone? AI researcher Tara Boroushaki presents how she's using wireless signals and sensors to create AI-powered goggles with "X-ray vision," creating a dynamic new tool with applications from improving efficiency in commercial warehouses to aiding emergency rescues.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_01: TED Audio Collective. You're listening to TED Talks Daily. I'm your host, Elise Hu. Until lately, X-ray vision was really only the stuff of superheroes. But researcher Tara Boroshaki is working on a technology that uses AI-powered sensing of various environments. And it's getting close to making X-ray vision a reality. She shares the work in her 2023 talk from TEDxMIT Salon after a break. Support for TED Talks Daily comes from Odoo. If you feel like you're wasting time and money with your current business software, or just want to know what you could be missing, then you need to join the millions of other users who switched to Odoo. Odoo is the affordable, all-in-one management software with a library of fully integrated business applications that help you get more done in less time for a fraction of the price. To learn more, visit slash TED Talks. That's O-D-O-O dot com slash TED Talks. Odoo. Modern management made simple. 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For example, I want to find my black shirt in my closet that I lost. I put on my AR headset and I say Accio. Within a matter of seconds, my shirt would light up. Like I said, I can see the invisible. So how does this spell work? How did I made an AR headset able to see what my own eyes cannot see? My trick is to use wireless signals like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. These signals are great. This is exactly why you can get Wi-Fi from another room. So these signals are sent by these headsets. They are scattered in the environment. They go through boxes and then are reflected back from all of these hidden objects, including my shirt. We then design algorithms that uses these reflected signals to find these objects. First, the headset tries to understand its environment by creating a virtual 3D map. And then as I walk in the environment, it keeps sending these wireless signals, tries to collect all of the reflections, and then combines them to collect and collect this information and then tries to locate the object that I was looking for. Then after some time, it becomes confident about it and then tells me this is the globe, which is where the object I want is, and I can go and grab it. Beside helping me having these magical powers, it has a lot of industrial applications. For example, in a warehouse, it can help warehouse workers to find packages, and then it can guide them through the warehouse to find these packages. In a retailer store, it can help the store associates to pack customers' order and find misplaced items. It also has a lot of other applications in logistics and manufacturing. So having an X-ray vision is very cool. It's better than what Hermione had, but sometimes I'm just so lazy. I don't want to go ahead, put my headset on, and then say Accio, and then go and find my key, grab it under the pile. So I was thinking, what if I had a robot that knew my spell? So I taught my spells to a robot. My robot can find my keys and bring them to me. For example, my keychain is hidden under the pile in the basket. My robot is able to search the environment and locate my keys with centimeter-level accuracy, purposefully declutter the environment, and then grab the keys and bring them to me. So how do we do this? We built in a specialized gripper instead of a wand. So it has a camera and a wireless sensor, which sends the similar signals like the headset that I just talked about. So this is great. Now this gripper can locate the keys. But there is one challenge. What if I put my robot in a completely new environment? For example, put it in the living room and ask it to find a remote control. How does this robot adapt itself to a completely new environment and a completely new object? If the robot does exactly the same steps as before, then it can only find a key in a basket. We designed an AI algorithm specifically to help this robot to adapt itself to a completely new environment and find objects it has never seen before. Magical X-ray vision can change the way we think about our environment and the way we interact with our environment. It opens up new possibilities that we never thought they are possible. For example, it can help our future robots in our homes to help us. It can also help us interact with our future smartphones in ways we never imagined before. But the application that I'm personally very excited about is helping our first responders to find and track humans in conditions with low visibility. Or helping humans under the rubble after a disaster hits. And as the cherry on top, it can help those of us who did not get into Hogwarts to get one a step closer to the wizarding world. Thank you. SPEAKER_01: APPLAUSE