How to design for dignity during times of war | Slava Balbek

Episode Summary

In his 2023 talk from TED at BCG, architect Slava Balbek shares his transformative journey from leading an architectural studio to becoming a frontline volunteer in the Russia-Ukraine war. Utilizing his expertise, Balbek has been innovating in digital and architectural solutions to support displaced people and communities affected by the ongoing conflict. Before the war, Balbek's life was filled with creative architectural projects worldwide. However, the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, drastically changed his and his team's focus. They quickly adapted to the new reality, turning their architectural skills towards immediate humanitarian needs and later, towards creating dignified temporary housing for displaced individuals. Balbek's initiative, driven by the realization that people crave a sense of home even in the direst circumstances, led to the development of the "gray crane housing" project. This project aims to elevate the standards of temporary housing, ensuring dignity for displaced people by accommodating various life scenarios and providing necessary communal spaces. The pilot settlement in the Bucha district symbolizes hope and recovery, serving as a model that can be replicated globally to address displacement caused by wars and climate change. Furthermore, Balbek and his team launched "Ray Ukraine Villages," an online tool facilitating rural housing restoration. This tool, which reflects local architectural traditions, enables users to generate detailed plans for rebuilding homes, fostering a sense of familiarity and continuity. Despite the challenges posed by the war, including working around power outages, Balbek's efforts exemplify resilience and the power of architecture to heal and rebuild communities. He concludes by urging those living in peace to use their time wisely and embrace the future with dignity, highlighting the unnecessary wait for adversity to fuel innovation and action.

Episode Show Notes

What happens when architecture meets empathy? Through the challenges of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, architect and humanitarian Slava Balbek, who volunteers part-time on the front lines, highlights the importance of designing for dignity when building temporary housing for the people of Ukraine who have lost their homes. A stirring reminder of the healing power of the built environment — and how it can provide comfort amidst chaos.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_00: TED Audio Collective. You're listening to TED Talks Daily.I'm your host, Elise Hugh.Slava Balbek is an architect who found himself on the front line of the Russia-Ukraine war.In his 2023 talk from TED at BCG, Balbek unpacks how he's using digital innovations to help displaced people and damaged communities from the ongoing war.After the break. Support for TED Talks Daily comes from Odoo.If you feel like you're wasting time and money with your current business software or just want to know what you could be missing, then you need to join the millions of other users who switched to Odoo.Odoo is the affordable all-in-one management software with a library of fully integrated business applications that help you get more done in less time. for a fraction of the price. 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Before the invasion, I had only used a drone to scout locations for my architectural practice.Now I pilot a UAV to help Ukrainian artillery spot targets.This time, two years ago, I would probably introduce myself as the CEO of an architectural studio.Maybe I would also brag about going to cafes in Kyiv, which I also design. To be clear, I still am an architect and entrepreneur.It's just that now I consider those roles important.As the military volunteer, I have monthly shifts.This means I still get to spend time at home, my safe haven, trying to make sense of this new life. I travel back and forth from Kyiv to the front line and back to Kyiv.Not your regular commute, I suppose. Even though Kyiv suffers constant missile attack, the contrast in between the capital and the hotspots is quite stark.Back home, I can walk my dog, Iva, grab a coffee and just barricade myself in my office.Of course, our work is often interrupted by the air raid alarms, but this is something we have grown to live with.Compared to dusty trenches near Kherson, our Buda's open space office seems like a perfect work environment. But somehow, whenever I try to focus, I keep thinking back to those trenches.It is there, just a few miles from the battlefield, where I can feel the most productive.And it is then, in times of distress, when I can clearly see what the future holds.Of course, it hasn't always been this way. Before Russia launched its full-scale war, I had a pretty regular life. Well, maybe not that regular.My architectural studio was busy pushing the envelope.We renovated an old church in San Francisco, California, turned a former military arsenal into a teaming food hall, and even designed the art installation for the Ukrainian polar research base.All I'm saying, we were doing just fine.Great even. But then came the sickest plot twist one could imagine.On February 24, 2022, I woke up to the sounds of explosions.Now, I don't know if you know many people from Ukraine, but our humor can be rather dark.But back then, we all went numb. Most of my teammates fled to safer areas, unsure whether they would have a home to return to.Some stayed in Kiev, sheltering in basements and subway stations.The others decided to take up arms for the first time ever.After the shock came a revelation.We had to turn our fear into action.So on day two, I stepped into a new role. switching from the coffee co-owner to emergency kitchen co-founder.And since there was plenty of food left in storage, we decided to cook meals for territorial defense units.Partnering up with other restaurants, we founded an organization called Kyiv Volunteer.Many people came in to help, musicians and lawyers, drivers and architects, all united around a common goal. And to give you a sense of scale, on peak days, we served up to 15,000 hot males to the military and medics.While our plots were clanking, Russian troops were advancing.Ukraine's future remained uncertain, but we were too busy to dwell on that thought.Working on the ground allowed us to prioritize the needs and address them one by one. First, we focused on basics.Shelter, food, medicine.Then we had to address the recovery, both physical and mental.Talking to people on our humanitarian mission, we've got a simple yet fundamental notion.What we all crave most was the sense of home.Not four walls and a roof per se, but the little things. The rosebush behind the kitchen window. the attic full of hidden treasures.That slightly crooked bench by the gate, always attracting the neighborhood cats.No matter where Ukrainians happen to spend the night, be it in an emergency shelter or some good Samaritan's home, they're always trying to make it feel cozy.Sometimes we even better our temporary homes by, say, fixing a long, broken fence.This observation led us to another insight.Home is the temple, and architecture can be healing.When done with empathy, architecture can help people to sustain the trauma and envision the brighter future, even if the future is still up in the air.Two weeks into the invasion, my team and I remembered we were still architects and could use our expertise for a good cause. This was when our Buddha started working on an idea we called gray crane housing. Knowing that nothing is more permanent than temporary, we tasked ourselves with raising the standard of temporary housing.Being both architects and displaced people, we knew how to make a difference.So what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of temporary housing?Probably those typical refugee camps built from shipping containers.So this is something our team sought to change. Dignity no matter what.These four words became a basis for our work and, in a way, our mission.In merely two weeks, we developed a system of dignified temporary accommodation.Our vision of what displaced people need to feel it is We want residents to feel equally comfortable, so we made our rooms fit different life scenarios, whether it's an elderly couple or a single parent with a newborn.We also knew people would need a place to work, study and care for their kids, so we provided them the space to do this as well.And to avoid spatial segregation, we proposed to make public spaces open to anyone, building bridges in between host communities and IDPs. Technology-wise, we didn't reinvent the wheel, but this is what and how we suggest building that made people reconsider the very essence of temporary housing.This May, after a year of preparation and paperwork, we broke ground on our pilot settlement.Bucha district, once known as a site of Russian atrocities, became a home for our big idea and a symbolic place to create new, happier memories. Now ReUkraine is not just a housing project, but a pilot for a recovery program.Our goal is to help displaced people get back on their feet and reintegrate, leaving their trauma behind.And since many places in the world are devastated by wars and climate change, the displacement challenge is the global one.Though rooted in Ukraine, the model can be replicated, helping to accommodate the displaced people elsewhere. Watching Ukrainians flock to Bucha and other liberated areas translated into another insight, our folks don't want to wait to fix what's broken.Fixing is the first thing we do after every attack, despite the threat of anything being destroyed again. public spaces like schools and hospitals restored by local authorities.But when it comes to private housing, people are often left with this task by their own.So to help smaller householders rebuild, we created Ray Ukraine Villages, a free online tool for rural housing restoration.With just a few clicks, the tool generates you a step-by-step manual to restore a house or to design a new one from scratch. floor plans, facade scans, technical description, a list of materials, foolproof guides for homeowners and volunteers.To preserve traditional image of Ukrainian village, we decided to base our builder on the local design code.And since every region has its own quirks, the tool had to reflect them. So the Kyiv region became the starting point for our research. Our architects traveled from village to village, exploring different types of roofing, windows and cornices.Then came the developers, who transformed the data into an accessible tool.Just imagine, the tool can generate you over 211 million unique house configurations for the Kyiv region alone.And each house Though designed with modern materials, looks super familiar, like the one Ukrainians spent their summer holidays at.A reminder of happier days, a wholesome image of home.The peak of our work fell on the end of 2022.This was when Russia targeted the power plants to plunge our cities in total darkness. our team had to work around the power cut schedule, trying to get the work done during the four-hour spans.This was when we discovered how to charge our computers from the car inverter. Now, I hope none of you ever happened to face a blackout, but if you do, remember this life hack.And to give you some context, the minibus we use as the power bank is the same I use on my military missions. So this is what Ukrainians call war-work-life balance, the thing we mastered over the last year and a half.Now, I would be lying if I said I'm not proud of our accomplishments.I truly am.But just imagine how much more we could achieve if not for the war. Despair and uncertainty can fuel your ideas, but do we really need to wait for this kind of fuel?The best time is always now.So if you have the privilege of living in peace, use this time wisely.And don't worry too much about the future. It's not that scary if you embrace it with dignity.Thank you. SPEAKER_00: PRX.