Let your garden grow wild | Rebecca McMackin

Episode Summary

In her 2023 TED Women talk, horticulturalist Rebecca McMackin introduces a transformative approach to gardening that not only creates beautiful spaces but also significantly benefits biodiversity. McMackin, an ecological horticulturalist, emphasizes the importance of designing gardens that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve as habitats for various species, from plants and wildlife to soil organisms. She highlights the alarming fact that conventional gardening practices in the U.S. contribute to environmental damage through the extensive use of insecticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. McMackin argues that it's entirely possible to cultivate gardens that are both gorgeous and environmentally supportive, providing essential resources like food, water, and shelter to wildlife, and even helping to bring species back from the brink of extinction. McMackin shares her experience of increasing biodiversity in one of the most challenging environments: New York City. As the director of horticulture at Brooklyn Bridge Park, she was involved in transforming derelict shipping piers into a thriving 85-acre public park. This project, which seemed unlikely to attract wildlife due to its initial concrete state, has since welcomed a diverse range of species, including migratory birds, rare insects, and butterflies. This success story serves as a powerful example of how integrating habitat into urban spaces can have a profound impact on biodiversity. McMackin stresses the urgency of addressing the biodiversity crisis, noting the dramatic decline in insect populations and the cascading effects on ecosystems, including food production and bird populations. To combat this crisis, McMackin advocates for gardening with native plants, which have evolved alongside local wildlife and are crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems. She explains the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals, such as the eastern red columbine and the ruby-throated hummingbird, and how these interactions are vital for both species' survival. McMackin also discusses the importance of supporting the entire life cycle of butterflies by providing caterpillars with their specific host plants, sharing a personal anecdote about attracting American lady butterflies to Brooklyn Bridge Park with Pearly Everlasting plants. Furthermore, McMackin challenges conventional gardening aesthetics, encouraging gardeners to embrace wildness by reducing lawn areas, leaving fallen leaves and seed heads, and allowing garden spaces to become habitats for various species. She argues that changing our perception of beauty in gardens to include more natural, wild elements can significantly contribute to biodiversity. McMackin concludes her talk with a message of hope, emphasizing the therapeutic benefits of gardening and its potential to address significant environmental issues through simple actions like planting flowers. Her talk inspires individuals to actively participate in creating healthier ecosystems, offering a hopeful perspective on tackling the biodiversity crisis.

Episode Show Notes

Many gardeners work hard to maintain clean, tidy environments ... which is the exact opposite of what wildlife wants, says ecological horticulturist Rebecca McMackin. She shows the beauty of letting your garden run wild, surveying the success she's had increasing biodiversity even in the middle of New York City — and offers tips for cultivating a garden that can be home to birds, bees, butterflies and more.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_01: It's TED Talks Daily.I'm your host, Elise Hu.And it's such a delight to be in springtime when the days are getting longer and the flowers are in full bloom.It has me thinking a lot about gardens.And today, we have a different and environmentally much better way to build beautiful gardens. Today's speaker has done it in New York City, among other places.And in her 2023 talk from TED Women, horticulturalist Rebecca McMacken asks us all to get our hands dirty to benefit biodiversity after a sponsor message. Support for TED Talks Daily comes from Capital One Bank.With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions.Even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision?That's banking reimagined.What's in your wallet?Terms apply.See CapitalOne.com slash bank.Capital One N.A.Member FDIC. 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Technically, I'm an ecological horticulturalist, which is a fancy way of saying that I design and manage gardens that are extravagantly beautiful while also providing habitat for plant populations, wildlife communities and even soil organisms.And you might wonder, isn't that what all gardeners do? Unfortunately, no.The vast majority of gardens are ecological deserts.And in fact, an incredible amount of environmental damage has been done in the name of making pretty gardens.In the US alone, we dump over 100 million pounds of insecticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers on our lawns and gardens every year. There just isn't a garden pretty enough to be worth all of that.And the reality is that it's completely unnecessary.Gardens and landscapes that are absolutely gorgeous can also help the world around us. They can provide food, water and shelter to wildlife.Gardens can and have brought back plants and animals from the brink of extinction. There is a movement happening all over the globe.Gardeners, garden designers, landscape architects, even entire cities are finding ways to beautify our environment while making space for the animals we share this land with.I've seen biodiversity return to one of the toughest places to live on the entire planet, the middle of New York City. where I cared for, designed and helped build public parks and gardens.At Brooklyn Bridge Park, where I was director of horticulture, we took these massive, derelict shipping piers out over the water between Brooklyn and Manhattan and turned them into an 85-acre post-industrial public park. It was designed by MVVA and built out over a decade.And it's hard to imagine now, but this lush landscape was built on parched concrete.This is about as appealing to wildlife as a parking lot. And yet, just a few years after construction, we welcomed migratory birds, rare insects and clouds of butterflies, all among millions and millions of park visitors. When people go to Brooklyn Bridge Park, they're usually there to play basketball or have a picnic.They have no idea that they're walking through a monarch habitat or a firefly sanctuary.It just reads as a beautiful park with lots of butterflies and magical evenings. And if we can do that in the middle of New York City, amidst all that traffic and concrete, you can do it anywhere.Indeed, we must incorporate habitat everywhere, immediately, especially in our cities.We are facing a biodiversity crisis of catastrophic proportions.We're changing the planet so quickly that plants and animals cannot keep up. You may have heard of the insect apocalypse, and unfortunately, it is just as terrifying as it sounds.We have lost nearly half of insects on planet Earth just since I was a little kid. Now, you might not like bugs, but they are still keeping you alive.One in every three bites of food that you eat is the direct result of insect pollination. And this isn't just a problem for humanity.Where we have the data, we've lost a quarter of our birds.In North America, it's 29 percent.Most of these birds feed their babies exclusively on insects.So it's not just climate change that we need to solve right now.There is some existential multitasking required of us. Thank goodness that there are solutions, and many of them literally involve planting flowers.So let's talk about gardening for biodiversity, because while you might not be a gardener, I am still going to ask you to get your hands dirty. All it takes is a pot on your stoop to have a positive effect. The first thing we should all be doing are planting plants that are from the places where we're gardening.We call them native plants, and they're important because they evolved alongside of the wildlife there.Plants and animals often form relationships and even dependencies on each other.For example, the eastern red columbine is arguably the most cheerful of our spring wildflowers.But of course, they're not blooming for us. Their red flower heralds the return of the ruby-throated hummingbird, the East Coast's only hummingbird.After these tiny birds have flown thousands of miles on their migration from Central America to the Northeast, they rely on the sugary nectar of the columbine to refuel, and they have reason to believe that this flower will be waiting for them when they do.The columbine stores their nectar at the end of long spurs, where only the long tongues of the hummingbird can reach it. As the bird drinks the nectar, they pollinate the flower. Both organisms are benefiting here, and in fact, the ruby-throated hummingbird is the eastern red columbine's pollinator partner.The bird and the flower could not be more charming, but it's the dynamics between the two where the real magic resides.Let me explain.Birds have an extra photoreceptor that allows them to see red incredibly well. Flowers have taken advantage of this and use the color red to communicate.As the hummingbirds fly over land on their journey, a wave of red flowers blooms to greet them.This beautiful dance of symbiosis is happening all around us, among plants and animals that have evolved together for thousands, if not millions of years. In return for planting native plants, we get a front-row seat to the wonders of the natural world.It's hard work, but it's the best kind because at the end of our efforts, not only do we get biodiversity, but we get butterflies.When butterflies visit flowers, they're there for a quick drink of nectar. But if we want to support their full life cycle, we need to provide them with food when they are very hungry caterpillars. Caterpillars eat leaves, but they can't just eat any leaf.They need the leaves they have evolved to digest.Monarchs and milkweed are the most famous duo, but every butterfly and moth has a plant or even a few that they lay their eggs on.These are their host plants. At Brooklyn Bridge Park a while ago, I saw American lady butterflies visiting our flowers.So I looked at their host plants and found that their favorite was a tiny white flower called Pearly Everlasting.So I ordered a few, hoping that the butterflies would eventually find them. However, when I opened the box, it was like butterflies just materialized out of thin air and went straight for the pearly everlasting.We had to brush the butterflies off the plants just to get them in the ground. Now, I know that it might be a shock for some of you to hear that people like me want insects eating our garden plants, but even bugs we refer to as pests can be important for biodiversity. Long ago, at Brooklyn Bridge Park, our catalpa trees got covered in aphids.They're a common garden pest that suck the sugary liquid out of leaves.People encouraged me to spray them with pesticides, but I didn't.And the following year, we found the two-spotted lady beetle on our catalpas.This was the first sighting of this ladybug in New York City in 30 years. And the thing about them is that they eat those tiny aphids that are on our catalpas.So if we had sprayed the trees, we would have harmed the ladybugs as well.Gardening is a long game.With patience, we can return balance to these systems. When we allow pests to live in our gardens, predators like ladybugs will soon move in.By building up biodiversity, pests are kept at bay. Most gardeners try to maintain these clean, sterile environments that are the exact opposite of what wildlife want.The more we can stop being tidy, the more wildness we can bring into our gardens and landscapes, the better habitat we provide.Wherever possible, we should stop mowing.Why not get rid of your lawn?Or shrink it drastically.Lawns should be area rugs, not wall-to-wall carpet. Leaves that fall to the ground should be left there.They're literally called leaves. We should leave them.Bumblebees nest in those leaves, birds will forage in them, and butterflies overwinter in them as well.Seed heads can be sculptural while feeding the birds, and old flower stems can be tucked away to allow tiny bees to nest in them. All of these practices create new looks for our gardens, but part of this work is changing our ideas of beauty.Traditional gardens were often about displaying control over nature.But we no longer wear powdered wigs and hoop skirts.We don't need to be authoritarian in our garden design.And it's not all or nothing.There's almost always space on our land where we can go a little wild. The rose mallow is this tropical-looking hibiscus that grows throughout eastern North America. The stems are often cut down by gardeners in spring.But we left them up one year because we found that there were a bunch of beneficial insects that used those stems. And what we ended up with, I find absolutely stunning.It might not be a look for every garden, but certainly we can find space for it.Because a few weeks later, we found a song sparrow nest nestled in between those uncut stems.And soon, we had baby song sparrows hopping around outside of the garden.There's a direct link between that garden practice and an actual baby bird. In these scary times, it can be so hard to know what to do and how to help.But it feels great to cultivate life with your own two hands, and there's an abundance of research now to show how beneficial gardening is for our health and even our happiness.Because we all deserve to live in a healthy and thriving ecosystem. But it feels even better when we're part of those systems, supporting the plants and pollinators around us the way that they support us. Like many of you, I am at times immobilized with climate grief, thinking about the world that we're leaving for our children.But gardening honestly brings me so much hope that we can solve some very big, very serious problems, that we have the solutions already, and many of them simply involve planting flowers.Thank you so much.