True love — and the myth of "happily ever after" | Francesca Hogi

Episode Summary

The "fairytale industrial complex" has propagated the myth that true love leads to "happily ever after," which is used to sell products by making people feel their self-worth is tied to being loved. This fantasy vision of idealized relationships disconnects people from real love and compatibility. Instead, true love relationships are founded on mutual love, respect, intimacy, safety, commitment, adoration, and joy. By cultivating self-love and dating skills, as well as having the courage to be vulnerable, true love can become a reality for anyone because we all have an innate capacity for love within us. If we embrace a more intentional and inclusive approach to relationships that sees everyone as inherently worthy, we can collectively transcend the manipulations of the "fairytale industrial complex" and move towards a brighter romantic future.

Episode Show Notes

"The fairytale industrial complex has been lying to you," says love coach and podcast host Francesca Hogi. Having spent years talking to thousands of people about their romantic hopes and dreams, she introduces a new possibility for our collective romantic future, one that recognizes that each of us holds the keys to true love within ourselves.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_03: TED Audio Collective. SPEAKER_03: Support for TED Talks Daily comes from Capital One Bank. With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions. Even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision? That's banking reimagined. What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See Capital slash bank Capital One NA member FDIC. TED Talks Daily is brought to you by Progressive. Progressive helps you compare direct auto rates from a variety of companies so you can find a great one, even if it's not with them. Quote today at to find a rate that works with your budget. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company and affiliates. Comparison rates not available in all states or situations. SPEAKER_01: Hey everyone, it's Adam Graham. I host a podcast called Rethinking about the science of what makes us tick. This season, we're talking about emotional agility with psychologist Susan David. What we know is that a default tendency to view these emotions as bad and therefore to suppress SPEAKER_02: or push them aside has a real impact on our long-term well-being. It has an impact on our ability to develop the skills that help us to deal with the world as it actually is. Not as we wish it to be, but it actually is, which is a world that is fragile in which our hearts will be broken and in which things aren't going to go in the way that we always want. Find and follow SPEAKER_01: Rethinking with Adam Graham wherever you're listening. The fairytale industrial complex SPEAKER_00: has been lying to you. Through a pervasive web of marketing, advertising, music, movies, and more, it's said that while you can't buy love, you can buy your worthiness of being loved. Its commodification of romantic love as a storybook fantasy can be summed up in three simple words. Happily ever after. Happiness forever if only you're lucky enough and good enough and good-looking enough to be chosen by a high-status partner, ideally in a romantic comedy-worthy moment. Over the last 10 years, I have spoken to thousands of people about their romantic hopes and dreams, and I can report that for many, their vision of an ideal relationship is straight out of the fairytale fantasy playbook, which is no wonder given that happily ever after is used to sell us everything from makeup to cars to chewing gum. We've incorporated this propaganda into our real-life approach to relationships, which disconnects us from love, which disconnects us from self-worth, and causes genuine confusion about compatibility. Instead of making us feel that love is an abundant, infinitely renewable resource inside of us, which it is, it tries to convince us that love is external and scarce. It's time to consider a new possibility for our collective romantic future, one that centers self-love, self-worth, and prioritizes making romantic choices in alignment with our authentic values. No purchase required. Despite what you've been told, each of us holds the keys to true love. A true love relationship, as I define it, has the foundational values of love, respect, intimacy, safety, commitment, adoration, and joy. When you approach romantic love from this foundation, you empower yourself to transcend the shallow fantasy of love you've been sold for so long. With sincere intention, the courage to open your heart to be vulnerable, and the cultivation of dating and love skills, true love can be a reality for all. How could it be any other way? You are a born love genius. You were born knowing how to love. All of the love that you've ever experienced and ever will experience is inside of you right now. The more that we cultivate the love within, the better it is for everyone. That's because how we each individually approach love contributes to how we all collectively experience it. We have the opportunity to transcend the manipulations of the fairytale industrial complex and embrace a brighter, more intentional, more inclusive romantic future for all, one that sees us all as worthy without exception. Thank you.