Radiolab After Dark

Episode Summary

The episode is a live, unedited show that Radiolab did to celebrate their 20th anniversary. It was broadcast on WNYC, their home radio station. The hosts Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser start by explaining that the show will be raw and unedited to capture the spirit of the live radio experiment. The first segment features a story from The Moth called "Are You a Member of Wash Club?" about a college student who puts up posters around campus advertising a secret "Wash Club" for people who enjoy climbing inside laundry machines. He starts getting texts asking to join but there is no real club. Next, they play listener calls about moments of joy people have experienced recently. The callers share stories about seeing a child light up when given a new toy, completing a garden, and more. After that, former Radiolab hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich join remotely. Listeners call in to share how the show has impacted their lives over the years, like inspiring a smoker to quit and bringing together a bone marrow donor and recipient. Jad and Robert help pick songs to dedicate to listeners in a segment modeled after the radio host Delilah. For the big finale, they make an "Earth sandwich" by having callers in Botswana and Hawaii put slices of bread on the ground, with the Earth in between. The hosts thank all the listeners and creators who have been part of Radiolab over the past 20 years.

Episode Show Notes

Back in 2002, Jad Abumrad started Radiolab as a live radio show. He DJ’d out into the ether and 20 years later we do the same. To commemorate the 20-year anniversary of the show, the Radiolab team went old school and took over WNYC Radio, live on the FM band. We answered the phones, played some wonderfully weird audio, including one piece where Kurt Vonnegut—yes, that Kurt Vonnegut—interviews the dead, took part in some games and tomfoolery, and did everything we could to have and to share in our good time.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_02: Radiolab is supported by Apple Card. Apple Card has a cash-back rewards program unlike other credit cards. You earn unlimited daily cash on every purchase, receive it daily, and can grow it at 4.15% annual percentage yield when you open a savings account. Apply for Apple Card in the Wallet app on iPhone. Apple Card subject to credit approval. Savings is available to Apple Card owners subject to eligibility requirements. Savings accounts provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA. Member FDIC terms apply. SPEAKER_17: Listener supported. WNYC Studios. Crack cocaine plagued the United States for more than a decade. This week on Notes from SPEAKER_19: America author Donovan Ramsey explains how the myths of crack prolonged a disastrous era and shaped millions of lives. Listen now wherever you get your podcasts. SPEAKER_23: Wait, wait, you're listening. Okay. All right. SPEAKER_18: Okay. SPEAKER_03: You're listening. To Radiolab. Radiolab. WNYC. See? Yep. Live. Wait, we're not live right now. We aren't? SPEAKER_23: We really are. Hey, this is Radiolab. I'm Soren Wheeler. Today you're going to hear Lulu and Lutef and our show in a very different mode, mood, place. Reason being it's Radiolab's 20th anniversary. So 20 years ago, Jad started a show that played Sunday nights here on WNYC, our home station, just on the air, no podcast back in that day. And so in celebration of those 20 years and all the things that have happened to the show since, we took over the airwaves of our, of WNYC once again, and we ran the show live. Actually, we did two live shows that night, just this past Sunday in a row, but I just wanted to share some of that little experiment with everyone on the podcast. So I'm going to play the second hour of that show in the spirit of the attempt. Totally, totally raw, unedited. And I hope you enjoy it. SPEAKER_03: I'm Lulu Miller. I'm Lutef Nasser. SPEAKER_02: You are listening to Radiolab Tries Live. SPEAKER_03: So we don't normally do live radio. So since we're so used to prerecording everything, this is basically our equivalent of showing up to high school for a pop quiz naked. But it is our 20th birthday and we wanted to celebrate in real time with you. Don't worry, we are wearing clothes and we actually did prepare for this pop quiz. We've got stories, we've got guests, we've got surprises in store. And we are not going to curse. And best of all, we got you if you want. We're opening the phone lines shortly to take your calls. SPEAKER_02: Okay, so 20 years ago, when Jad Abumrad started Radiolab, he called himself a quote, DJ of documentary. SPEAKER_03: So corny. He's such a long one. But so beautiful. He spun audio and stories the way that DJs spin music. Stories from SPEAKER_02: people who weren't always being heard. Stories from people he admired and he thought about what tape to put up against what. And so in that spirit, which I think is so beautiful, we wanted to kick things off by sharing a short story that we love. And honestly, it's kind of better knowing nothing at all going into it. It comes from our pals at The Moth, a live storytelling show, and it is told by Ashok Ramasubramanian. SPEAKER_21: Sometimes when I'm walking down the street, people stop me and ask me for change. Of course, it's not change they want. They want money. But here's the deal. Like, I always have change. I always give them money. It wasn't always this way. And there was a time when I was quite stingy with my money. And this is how it all changed. And it's due to my roommate. I was in the third year of my engineering school in India. And one day a relation of mine who's been overseas came back with a Kit Kat, the candy bar, a full bar. He gave it to me and he said, this is Kit Kat. They eat it in America. And it's amazing. So when you're in India and when you have a roommate, tradition dictates that you share this thing with your roommate. And I looked at it and it was like nothing I've ever seen before. It was beautiful. And I said, I'm going to eat just a small piece. I mean, I'll still share the bulk of the thing with the roommate. I mean, no harm done. I ate a small piece and it was amazing. And I said, I'll eat a little piece more. I mean, you know where this is going. Pretty soon, I had only a very small piece of Kit Kat in my hand. And at this point, some kind of twisted logic seized me. I mean, what's the point of sharing now? I mean, the roommate's going to come home and I got to explain, dude, I had this full bar. I ate most of it. And there's only a small piece to share with. No, the safe thing to do is to eat that also and hide the wrapper, which is what I did. Now, in my 21 years in India, this Kit Kat has come into my life only two times. You already know the first time. Now here is the second. About two hours later, my roommate comes home and he's clearly delighted about something. And joy is a concept that's very hard to pin down, but you know it when you see it. And I saw joy in the eyes of my roommate. The dude's clearly excited about something. Now in his hand is a small paper napkin folded up and he opens it up and inside is a small one-inch piece of Kit Kat. Now unlike me who had wealthy relatives abroad, a friend of a friend had given him something, a small piece, and his eyes were filled with the joy of sharing. And he said, this is Kit Kat. They eat it in America and it's amazing. And his eyes were sparkling with joy. I've never seen anything like that since or before. Well, my own eyes are more confused than anything else. Like, I mean, what am I supposed to say? Dude, I actually had a full bar. You know, I ate it all. So you should eat this. I mean, so he proceeded to take a ruler. This is engineering school, so there's rulers all over the place. And the rulers that we use have one edge that's sharp. The better to draw lines with. So he took the sharp edge of the ruler and he cut his tiny bit of Kit Kat into two and he offered one piece to me. I ate it. What else are you supposed to do? It's too complicated to do anything else. But, you know, two Kit Kats in a single day within hours of each other. The universe, God, if you will, is trying to send me a signal saying, dude, you are on the wrong path. You need to change. And so I did. Thank you. That SPEAKER_03: was Ashok Rama Sabramanian and his story came to us via The Moth. The Moth is actually about to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Got us beat by five. Happy birthday to The Moth. They have a new book out called How to Tell a Story, the essential guide to memorable storytelling from The Moth. That story makes me so happy. I just got warm when I hear it. Lachif, can I tell you a fun factoid SPEAKER_02: that may or may not be true that I learned recently about Kit Kats? Okay. Okay. So do you know what's inside a Kit Kat? Like what's on the inside? Wafer? Wafer. Wafer. But more specifically, any other guesses? Besides the wafer and the chocolate? I don't know. I feel like those are the only two SPEAKER_03: ingredients. Okay. Apparently it is crushed up Kit Kats. No. Which begs the question, what was inside SPEAKER_02: the first Kit Kat? So pondering unanswerable, physical, philosophical puzzles like the Kit Kat Arubaris, as I like to call it, which may or may not be true if anyone from the Candy Corporation wants to let us know we're here. That brings me joy. I like to think about stuff like that. And over the past 20 years at Radiolab, the show has covered all kinds of things. Science, the Supreme Court, history. But I think it's fair to say we always try to keep our antenna tuned for moments of joy. We try to work at least one into every episode. So, listeners, we are calling on you to SPEAKER_03: help us find some joy for this episode tonight. These are some dark times. There's war, there's pestilence, there's climate change, there's so much more terror. But for just a short segment here, let's focus on the hard one joy. We're opening the phone lines. If you laughed so hard, you cried in the last week, we want to hear about it. Call us at 844-745-8255. That's 844-745-TALK. Or send a tweet tagging at Radiolab or using the hashtag radiolablive. It could be a tiny moment SPEAKER_02: of joy and interaction you observed between strangers on a train, a little seedling finally pushing up through the dirt. Whatever it is, if you registered that good, warm feeling in your body, call us and tell us about it. We want to know what it looked like, what it felt like, sounded like. Whatever it is, we want to know. And as the calls start rolling in, just to get SPEAKER_03: you in the spirit, we wanted to play for you one of our favorite moments of pure bliss ever captured on tape is from Radiolab back in 2012. Here it goes. SPEAKER_06: Yeah. Typical Norwegian. SPEAKER_05: You know, if typical includes things like? Biking in Sahara and climbing Everest and things like that. SPEAKER_06: He's kind of a professional adventurer. And we got him into the studio because he made a video SPEAKER_05: last year on one of his trips. I gotta tell you this video, it's maybe the most amazing internet video I have ever seen. I think so too. So let me just set the scene for you. SPEAKER_05: What you see in the video is this guy Alex kind of moving along. He's on skis. This snowy snowscape. He's filming himself. He's got the camera in his right hand. Where is he exactly? Antarctica. He's on a three month trek to the South Pole and back by himself. And what he'd been doing is every couple of days on his trip, every 200 kilometers or so, he would bury stuff in the snow. Some fuel and sometimes a little bit of gear that I didn't use. SPEAKER_06: Was that just to lighten your load? SPEAKER_05: Yeah. You know, because every ounce of unneeded weight has to go. So in this video, it's day 86. Almost three months since I left. SPEAKER_06: That's three months of walking 10 hours a day. And I lost almost 25 kilos. 55 pounds. He's exhausted. SPEAKER_05: He's come upon his last cache. So on the last cache where this video is captured. SPEAKER_06: What you see is Alex kneeling in the snow, start to dig. SPEAKER_06: I'm telling that I'm quite hungry. Whatever's in this last cache in the snow, it's been three months since he buried it. SPEAKER_05: So I didn't really recall what was there. SPEAKER_08: He hopes it's something good. SPEAKER_05: So he digs up this bag of stuff, starts rifling through it. SPEAKER_06: Some Vaseline, some zinc ointment. It's just a mess. SPEAKER_06: Nothing. It's pretty much all trash. SPEAKER_05: But then... Yo! SPEAKER_06: Yo! SPEAKER_05: What is it? He holds up. A double pack of cheese doodles. SPEAKER_05: Then he throws it up in the air. Yeah! And then this is my favorite part. He just freezes. And he's staring off into the distance almost like, did that happen? SPEAKER_06: Is it real? So he starts to dig some more. SPEAKER_05: And then... SPEAKER_15: What's it this time? SPEAKER_06: Huge chocolate bar. It's milk chocolate. And then it's just like... You find cementos? Cementos. I find more and more and more. SPEAKER_03: That was from the Radiolab episode Bliss. And I want to welcome two of the blissed out voices you heard in that clip to the show right now. Special guests, are you there? We're here. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hi. Those voices of course belong to Jad Boom Boom Aboomrod and Robert Kraly Krelwich, former hosts of Radiolab. Welcome gentlemen. SPEAKER_05: Thank you. Wow. I just feel like saying... I'm ready to meet up. SPEAKER_02: Yeah! Thank you for coming. Okay, now that we're calling the shots, here's the gateway question that lets you into this evening. Okay, first Jad, have you had a moment of joy or bliss that you have felt? SPEAKER_05: Oh, that's a great question Lulu. In fact, that question gives me joy. And then it is asked by you gives me double joy. I'm going to make it harder. SPEAKER_02: I'm going to make it harder in the last week. Oh, well, I'll give you one for today. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, great. It's not quite as ecstatic as the cheese doodles, but I... SPEAKER_05: So my oldest son who is now 12 and who plays piano and he was pretty good. He this afternoon went to an open mic night for teens. He's not yet a teen, but he's almost a teen. And he played an original song that he wrote and he got up on this very professional looking stage at this very legit looking jazz venue. And he played his song accompanied by a bass player and a drummer who he never met. And he took a solo and it was great. And Carla and I were in the audience and we were like, damn, that's our child. And who used to be like a chubby little blob, right? And then and now he's this tall, like 12 year old with peach fuzz and he's playing jazz with two other people. It was just a beautiful, joyful moment. You can't give us an impression of what this little flavor of what the sound the song sounded like. SPEAKER_02: No, if I had the piano in front of me. SPEAKER_05: It wasn't like that kind of jazz. It was like Keith Jarrett standards live. I don't know what that means. SPEAKER_05: I didn't know. Okay. All right. You know what? It's pretty. It's pretty. It's like pretty jazz. Yeah, it was nice. He did great. I was really proud of him. SPEAKER_03: Okay, Robert, your turn. SPEAKER_04: So let's see. I guess it has to be today. Today. Today, I have five minutes, probably last five minutes. SPEAKER_04: No. Okay. Last week. No, in the last few hours, I have been completing my, my wild, my wild grass garden. SPEAKER_04: So I have created a plot of land and roughly 40 square feet on the corner of a property that I own, which is right by a road. And it was very hot today. But I was determined because the instruction said, if you want to put the seeds of these wildflowers into your cleared area, you must reduce the ground to a completely ruthless p hunk of sweet earth. And the no one has touched this ground, I guess in at least 50 years. So there's an awful lot of roots there. So I'm, I had this thing where I was on my knees, and I was pulling out roots and pulling out boots and pulling out roots. And I was sweaty. And then somebody came walking with her dog up the road and stood for a long time. I was unaware of her at first. And then she said to the dog, look at this man, he loves his garden. He heard that and the flow, just the compliment entered me and I blossomed and I made a full turn. So I was thinking of maybe bowing or something, but she had walked on. Unfortunately, I was, it was just a little moment where I thought, thank the Lord that I have found this pleasure. But it's like it. And then at the end of the hour, I was able to then sprinkle this sack of seeds, which I bought about two months ago. And then it said, now stamp on the seeds with your feet. So that's what I did. It says don't water it, don't cover it with earth, just stamp on it and then go away, which is what I did. Sacred moments in rootless earth and boy jazz. Now we are asking for your moments of joy. SPEAKER_02: The phone number is 844-745-8255. Robert and Jad are going to stick around. Call us in. It's Radio Lab's 20th birthday. We'll be back in a moment. SPEAKER_15: Lulu here. If you ever heard the classic Radiolab episode, sometimes behave so strangely, you know that speech can suddenly leap into music and really how strange and magic sound itself can be. SPEAKER_02: We at Radiolab take sound seriously and use it to make our journalism as impactful as it can be. And we need your help to keep doing it. The best way to support us is to join our membership program, The Lab. This month, all new members will get a T-shirt that says, sometimes behave so strangely. To check out the T-shirt and support the show, go to slash join. Radiolab is supported by Capital One. With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions, even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision? That's banking reimagined. What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See slash bank. Capital One N.A. Member FDIC. Radiolab is supported by Apple Card. Apple Card has a cashback rewards program, unlike other credit cards. You earn unlimited daily cash on every purchase, receive it daily and can grow it at 4.15% annual percentage yield when you open a savings account. Apply for Apple Card in the Wallet app on iPhone. Apple Card subject to credit approval. Savings is available to Apple Card owners subject to eligibility requirements. Savings accounts provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA. Member FDIC. Terms apply. After but her emails became shorthand in 2016 for the media's deep focus on Hillary Clinton's server hygiene at the expense of policy issues, is history repeating itself? SPEAKER_22: You can almost see an equation again, I would say led by the times in Biden being old with Donald Trump being under dozens of felony indictments. Listen to On the Media from WNYC. Find On the Media wherever you get your podcasts. SPEAKER_02: SPEAKER_13: So, you know, with the pandemic being what it was, I had the great gift of having some friends stay with me over the weekend who I had not seen in years. And, you know, as happens when you are with people for the first time in a long time, you're starting to relearn the social protocols of spending time with each other. And we were having a good time, but it was a little stilted until one of my guests went into the bathroom. And unbeknownst to him, my cat was also in the bathroom with him. And we unfortunately discovered that the cat was in the bathroom when said cat very determined as we tried to get out of the bathroom. And the bathroom door is one of those sliding barn style doors that you see all over, you know, slipper flopper all those other HGTV shows. And so we look over at the bathroom and we just see my cat's arm sticking out of the door like, let me out, let me out, let me out. And my little 10 pound cat was so determined to get out of that bathroom that he pried the door open all on his own, leaving my poor friends exposed on the toilet. SPEAKER_13: And there was something so quintessentially human about that moment and the fact that no matter how long it had been since we had seen each other, bathroom humor is always a way to get everyone crying with laughter. So Eva's moment of joy is a close friend's slight humiliation with cat. SPEAKER_13: And, you know, at the hands of a tiny little cat. SPEAKER_02: That's wonderful. Well, thank you so much for calling in. We're going to just keep moving and make a pastiche of these moments in the last week. So next up next up, we got Max in Borum Hill, Brooklyn. Max, you are on the air. SPEAKER_03: Oh, my goodness. SPEAKER_09: First of all, it's a joy to be on the air for incredible people who I've been listening to for almost all 20 years. I've been listening since St. Krawitz joined, basically. And I'm a Borum Hill person. I live on Dean Street. I'm from that very neighborhood. I mean, for a little while. SPEAKER_04: Oh, my goodness. I'm on Douglas and Smith. SPEAKER_09: Tell us your moment of joy. SPEAKER_09: It was yesterday I was heading into Manhattan for a friend's birthday party in Central Park and I was on the F train. And a dad came on with his, I'd say, probably four year old son, sat down across from me. The son is looking around the train and gets a little bored. SPEAKER_09: And then the dad pulls out a toy still in its box and hands it to the kid who looks at it. SPEAKER_09: And he catches eyes with me and I give him I'm wearing my mask and and give him just a big eyebrow raise. Oh, my goodness. You got a toy face. SPEAKER_09: And he he lights up. But I'm reading I'm reading a book and he's looking around the train and then he just keeps coming back to me and comes back to me. And then his eyes start to just drift away. And this little boy just starts to fall asleep, holding this toy, staring at me, trying to figure out what's going on. And then falls asleep. And I'm not sure we understand the story. And his father brings him in and then tries to wake him up as they're about to get off. And this kid just can't keep his eyes open. And it was just this moment of of seeing joy in a kid's face when he's at the end of his day was just a real moment of joy for me to witness. SPEAKER_04: I see. So there was and there was a the gaze at you was the last bit of life you had in him before you hit the wall. Yeah. I see. OK. Yeah. SPEAKER_15: I was like, that drug, this kid happened. SPEAKER_13: You never found a sleep on the on public transit. I feel like I get my best sleep on public transit every time. SPEAKER_05: Especially under the under the focused gaze of a happy man on the other side of the train. I mean, something strange happened there, I feel. SPEAKER_04: OK. Thank you, Max. Appreciate it. Thanks so much. SPEAKER_02: That'll do it. We had more calls, but we just reveled in the joy too much to take anymore. So we're going to call it on our section of joy. Thank you. That's it? All the joy? Well, there's going to be more joy, just less joy from the college, but more joy coming. Thanks for everyone who called in. Hello. SPEAKER_03: That was that yodeling was previously recorded by Lulu and myself. We are celebrating radio labs 20th anniversary today, 20 years ago when Jad started the show broadcast live. He played audio from people he admired. We're doing that tonight, too. Time now for another short story that we love. This one is called Are You a Member of Wash Club? And it was originally broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 show Shortcuts. SPEAKER_16: One night, I'm sitting in a student halls of residence in the kitchen after midnight, and I'm chatting to this guy called Beaver. Beaver's telling me a story. He'd seen a bunch of teenagers hanging out in the 24 hour laundrette. And one of the kids was inside one of the tumble dryers and was going to go around. When Beaver first saw this, he thought that they were torturing the guy in the tumble dryer. But when Beaver realized that the guy was actually inside the tumble dryer by choice, he demanded to be the next person to get a go in the machine. The tumble dryers, they've got like a temperature gauge on them. And the rest of the guys had put this down to zero. However, Beaver told me that when it came to his go, and this is his words, right, he insisted on being tumbled at the same temperature as his clothes. I'm listening to this story, right, and I'm just thinking, I've hit pay dirt. A clandestine tumbling club here on campus. That's kind of vintage lifestyle magazine material. If you take into account that the second part of Beaver's story is like definitely a lie, isn't it? There's no way that he did it himself at the same temperature as his clothes. He'd be like severely burnt. But the first part of the story is probably true, isn't it? Like that's probably, it's probably true, isn't it? The next day I start work. I go to the late night laundrette and I kind of hang around to see if anything happens. Nothing happens. I'm really surprised by it. But I realize I'm only one man. Like I can't be in all launderettes in Norwich simultaneously. So I start putting up posters and this is a copy I've written. Are you a member of Wash Club? And then I've just put my mobile number at the bottom. Immediately I start getting text messages about it. What is Wash Club? Which is a good question, right? It's a good question. My poster doesn't make that clear at all. So I'd respond with something like, Wash Club is a secret society where you get into tumble dryers and go round. Are you a member? And then there'd be another message, you know, like, what is Wash Club? And then I'd respond, Wash Club is a clandestine group who tests their endurance by getting into tumble dryers. Are you a member? Can I join Wash Club? When is next meeting? I want into Wash Club. When next Wash Club meeting? Pretty much every message I received from that moment onwards was just an application to join. Overnight I became the ringleader of the very cult I was supposed to be investigating. I don't know what you'd do in a situation like this. Maybe like text back these people and explain the mistake. And like, in retrospect, yes, that's a really good idea. But at the time I just sent this text message to everyone who texted me saying, meeting for new recruits next Monday at midnight, uni laundrette, no loose clothing. SPEAKER_16: Because, alright, and I want to justify that, even if they hadn't gone to a club yet, they were like potential people who might join. And that's still interesting, right? So I wanted to talk to those people. Maybe Wash Club already existed, like it didn't exist. But maybe it did, right? Maybe it did. And then the original chapter would hear about this kind of new chapter and we would kind of join forces. Except that's never going to happen because like, this is a fantasy. I had another text through. My name is Sue Hartnell. I'm writing an article on Wash Club. I wondered if you could explain a bit more about the club and what happens at a Wash Club event. SPEAKER_16: I sent a quick response. It just said, ah, hi Sue, there's no such thing as Wash Club. It's just a joke. Hope you haven't wasted too much time looking into it. Cheers Ross. Two days later, like this is the article. SPEAKER_18: Students spin and tumble in late night dryer rides. Despite the supposed tradition behind the Wash Club, there have been no past reports about the activity. But the messages remain ever elusive. SPEAKER_16: I decided at this point it's best that I don't respond to any more text messages. Just in case any more journalists try to like weed their way into my club. My plan is, right, that I'm also going to go down on that Monday at midnight and pretend to be another new recruit myself. So Monday rolls around. I'm killing time until midnight so I go down to the computer centre of the university and start to do a little bit of preliminary research. There have been reports of, you know, people getting inside tumble dryers in other parts of the country. And that shouldn't be a surprise really. I mean, there's bored teenagers everywhere, right? But there's one story which is in the seaside town of Tenby in Wales. Over a 48 hour period, every single industrial tumble dryer in Tenby was broken. Classic Wash Club activity. The thing that concerned me most about this article was a bit at the end where they did an interview with a tumble dryer repairman. He says, you know, I was just lucky that the tumble dryers these kids got into weren't gas operated tumble dryers. Because if they had done that, then the fumes from the tumble dryer would have made them very sick and possibly could have killed them. And that did give me cause for concern based on what was going to happen this evening. But the reason why I knew it was alright was because Beaver told me, yeah, that he definitely went inside the machines on campus. And that's how I knew that they weren't gas operated dryers. Even though Beaver said that he went in at the temperature that he did his clothes and that clearly was a lie. He definitely went inside the machines, right? That part's true. And that's why I knew for certain that I hadn't just formed a death cult. Anyway, it gets to midnight. There's two guys already waiting outside drinking some beer. They asked me if I'm here for Wash Club. I say yes. I tell them I saw the poster. We stand and have a chat. We're waiting for Mr. Wash Club himself to kind of turn up and kind of validate what we're all doing here. Obviously he's not turning up. He's me. But they don't know that. I use that time whilst we're waiting to talk to the rest of the guys about the small risk of these being gas operated dryers and the fact that we could kill ourselves by getting inside it. And sort of slowly, over the next couple of minutes, we come around to the idea of maybe sacking it off. One of the guys invites us, all of us together, back to his halls of residence. About an hour later, one of his flatmates comes back and he asks us where we've been this evening. And I tell him. This story has a cyclical nature to it. Because here we are, back at the start again, sitting in the kitchen on the halls of residence, talking about getting into tumble dryers. Except this guy who's just walked in, he's me and I'm Beaver. He asked us a question, which I didn't really answer at the time. Why would any adult get inside a tumble dryer? Which just goes to show what a terrible journalist I was. That I would never have even asked myself why anyone would do it. But I can answer that question now. At that point in time, I would have done anything for my life to have been like a story. Creating Wash Club was my opportunity to do that. For a minute, I got to be the axis around which everything else turned. Whether or not you have any sympathy for that, I think really depends on which perspective you take. Because if you take the perspective of the person outside the laundrette looking in, then all you see is a twat going around in a tumble dryer. But if you take the perspective of the person inside the tumble dryer, then just for a moment you get to see the whole world turning around you. SPEAKER_03: That story came to us from Ross Sutherland's show called Imaginary Advice. It was originally produced by Eleanor McDowell for Short Cuts, a Falling Tree production for BBC Radio. Alright, well since we are here doing live radio at night, we thought we had to pay homage to Queen of Late Night Radio Delilah with an... SPEAKER_02: In the first and only occurrence of this Never To Occur Again segment, a listener tells us who they want to dedicate a song to and why. And then Jad, who listens to esoteric music that mostly only robots like, picks out the song to play for that person. Jad, are you ready for your assignment? SPEAKER_05: Sure. Let's do it. Okay, so Kelly Clancy just tweeted at us that she wants to dedicate a song to her husband Jim, her quote favorite person to listen to music and radio lab with. SPEAKER_02: So what are you going to send out to Jim as a musical expression of Kelly's love for what she got? Well, I think I have the perfect soundtrack for that touching dedication. This is a song that goes simply by the name Construction. SPEAKER_05: Because Lulu, we are all just that. Constructions, works in progress, striving to be better. Clunky and awkward. And yet somehow cold, detached in the face of an uncaring world. And so with that, I dedicate this song, simply called Construction No. 1 by John Wall to Jim. SPEAKER_15: What more do you have to say, right? It just captures all of it. SPEAKER_05: It really does. It's a great relationship. Not quite what I would have chosen, Jad. But thank you anyway, I guess. And thank you on behalf of Jim, who I'm sure is just bowled over with gratitude. SPEAKER_03: And also thank you, Jad, for starting 20 years ago this dinky little show called Radio Lab. Oh, is that music still playing? Yes. Okay. All right. Bring it in hot. Okay, well, since it is the show's birthday, and since we do have Jad and Robert here on the line, I want to know from everyone listening, has Radio Lab ever changed your life? Has it ever made you do something you otherwise wouldn't have? Has it ever made you not do something you otherwise would have? Has it at any point over the last 20 years, has it changed the way you exist out in the world? If so, call us at 844-745-8255. That's 844-745-TALK or tweet at us at Radio Lab or just tweet using the hashtag RadioLabLive. SPEAKER_02: This is Radio Lab. We'll be back in a moment. SPEAKER_15: Radio Lab is supported by Capital One. With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions, even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. SPEAKER_02: And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision? That's banking reimagined. What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See slash bank. Capital One N-A. Member FDIC. Radio Lab is supported by Apple Card. Apple Card has a cashback rewards program unlike other credit cards. You earn unlimited daily cash on every purchase, receive it daily and can grow it at 4.15% annual percentage yield when you open a savings account. Apply for Apple Card in the Wallet app on iPhone. Apple Card subject to credit approval. Savings is available to Apple Card owners subject to eligibility requirements. Savings accounts provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA. Member FDIC. Terms apply. SPEAKER_03: I'm Lulu Miller. I'm Latif Nasr. Tonight, Radio Lab's 20th birthday party live. We want to take a few minutes to hear from people about whether and how the show has changed your lives. SPEAKER_03: And especially so in the presence of Jad and Robert. Our first call is coming from inside the house. It is Radio Lab's W. Harry Fortuna, our production coordinator here in the studio with us. Harry, hello. Hello. You have a story about Radio Lab from before you actually worked here. I do. Radio Lab is my, you know, career change. I used to work in TV and film. And in that job, I was in my car a lot. I was the location scout and I heard an episode, You vs. You. SPEAKER_20: And back then, I'm not proud of it, but I was a smoker, a pretty heavy smoker. And I had tried to quit a bunch of times. And in that episode, they talk about something called the Ulysses contract, whereas you make a deal with yourself that you're not willing to lose. And because of that episode, I made a bet with my brother where I bet him my just cherry of a car. I had a 1987 Buick Grand National, aka the Death Star, which is what it was called because it only came in one color, black. And I named it Pearl. And I bet my brother that car that I would quit smoking. And he made an alternate bet with me that he would quit vaping because he started vaping at 42 like an idiot. But he lost the bet in a week. But on the night of my 35th birthday, when I made that bet, I threw the pack out in the trash and I never smoked again. And it was all because of what I heard on that episode. SPEAKER_03: Wow. Jad and Robert, are you there? SPEAKER_05: I'm a hairy Fortuna. That's pretty, that's pretty cool. SPEAKER_20: I think it's pretty cool. My lungs, thank you. Okay. All right. SPEAKER_04: And your brother, what was, what's the sec, what's, what happened to him? Did he stop vaping? Oh no, no. I found out a week. I found out later that he lasted about a week. And we had some sort of, I guess it's called like a dead man switch. So you couldn't back out of the bet even if the other person lost. SPEAKER_20: But I actually, what was so surprising to me, cause I had tried to quit so many times prior to that and done some very depraved things instead of quitting to get more cigarettes. After that night, I actually never wanted to smoke again. It just, it turned a switch in my head that made losing the car was, or keeping the car was more important to me than continuing smoking. SPEAKER_04: And was your brother a regular listener to the show or he never heard us? SPEAKER_20: Never heard it. In fact, probably still. Oh, you see, I can maybe draw a line from that story. SPEAKER_04: Maybe I should have played. The happy people in America, the largely happy and jolly people in America who really listen to the show and the ones who are sitting sadly on sidewalks without cars, vaping constantly, they are the ones who failed to listen. Yeah. Maybe the, maybe the dulcet tones of your voice were actually the key to the quitting. SPEAKER_03: I don't know. I think we need a, I think we need a slightly bigger sample size here. So actually let us go. We're going to go to the, to the phone lines. We have Haven and Gwen on the phone. Are you there? Haven and Gwen? Hello? Hi. Hey, you're live on the radio. Excellent to be here. Oh, thanks. Okay. Tell us, tell us your story about radio lab. What happened? SPEAKER_14: Yeah. Um, Gwen, do you want to go first or do you want me to, um, you can go. Okay. Sounds good. Um, so I, uh, got my first episode of radio lab, a friend in college burned onto a CD. SPEAKER_14: Um, so I did a musical language episode. I just had to Google the name to make sure I had the right one. Um, so, so I listened on and off, uh, for a few years and I listened to the, um, uh, an episode about, uh, bone marrow donor and recipient meeting. SPEAKER_14: And because of that episode, I, uh, donated bone marrow and, uh, a few years ago I got matched with Gwen and I donated my bone marrow and, um, that was how we got connected. So yeah. SPEAKER_14: Yeah. Gwen, tell us the story from your side. SPEAKER_03: It was crazy. So in 2018, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder and my only treatment option really was a bone marrow transplant. And so my doctors told me they were looking on the registry for a donor and Haven was a perfect match for me. SPEAKER_01: Wow. And did you guys, did you meet, did you actually, did you, yeah. How did you guys like, yeah, connect and tell us about that. SPEAKER_05: Yeah. So after a year after, uh, after the transplant, you have the opportunity to meet your donor and the donor has the opportunity to meet the recipient. SPEAKER_01: So we both wrote out that paperwork saying we wanted to meet each other, but it was during the pandemic. So we actually contacted each other through email first. SPEAKER_12: And it was, it was such an amazing day when we got the email from Haven. Um, my family and I were so excited and we emailed back and forth for a little bit and we talked over zoom. SPEAKER_01: And then just recently last month we met at the Be The Match Gala in New York. Oh, cool. Oh, there's now a gala so that people can get together in a hotel room and look at the people who've given them the bone marrow. Wow. SPEAKER_04: Yeah. Be The Match is the organization, right? That does the, that organizes the donations and the donors and matches everybody. Is that right? SPEAKER_03: Correct. Yeah. What must that be like? Does everybody pair off with their double and sort of sit and hold hands or do they all mingle together? SPEAKER_04: Or were you two just special guests kind of thing? We were the only two, we were the only match. SPEAKER_14: And actually I don't, I don't even know if I've told you this story Gwen, but my family flew out with me and my husband and my parents and um, we were having lunch the day of the event. It was going to be that evening and my husband turns to me and he goes, well, so who are the other matches who are meeting up at the event? And I just looked at him and I was like, it's, it's us. We're, we're the only one. And he goes, oh, I was wondering why you were so nervous. And I was like, yeah, this is a big deal. SPEAKER_13: Well, I'm not sure if I realized it until I was there that we were the only two meeting. SPEAKER_01: Yeah. Well, you're the, you're the, you're the only two, uh, uh, match made in marrow on our, on our program too. So you should feel pretty special. SPEAKER_03: Um, thank you. Thank you for calling and telling us your story. Uh, uh, for those of you who have maybe have not heard the episode or don't know about it, uh, it's called a match made in marrow. Uh, and actually we got some stats on it after we released that episode, approximately 3,600 people registered to become bone marrow donors and 22 of those went on to match and donate. Uh, yeah. Meaning that potentially lives were actually saved, um, which is, uh, very, very exciting. Um, and, and you too listener can register to donate, go to be the to find out how, uh, Lulu, you want to take our next caller? SPEAKER_02: Yeah, Gwen and Haven. Thank you so much for calling in. That's I don't think it gets any better. Um, so we, we have another set of callers. I wanted to tell you one quick tweet we got Robert, um, that came from MJ, um, who said I have generalized anxiety disorder and PTSD and I listen to the episode, uh, tree to shining tree anytime I need to ground myself. Um, and I know that's all, that's all of you in there, but that, that piece about the interconnectedness in trees and communication, I think is such a special one. I also listened to that one for calming and had nothing to do with making it. So double thanks on that. SPEAKER_05: Yeah. Robert, you know who MJ is, right? Michael Jackson. It's like, well, no, Michael Jordan. It's Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan. SPEAKER_02: It wasn't Michael Jordan at all. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm moving, I'm moving, I'm moving on to our callers. We have another set. We have Andy Barnes and Mariana Vettaveto on the phone. Andy and Mariana, are you there? SPEAKER_07: We are. Yes. All right. Welcome to the party. Can you, uh, can you tell us how Radiolab changed your lives and, and thank these, these old guys who are not very old, uh, for, for the thing they've done for the world. SPEAKER_02: Uh, yeah. How did Radiolab change your lives? Well, first of all, thank you for having us. This is an honor, um, to celebrate your, your anniversary with you. Um, so how did Radiolab change our lives? So it was the summer of 2017 and I met up with a friend at a bar in Washington, DC. Uh, when I got there, my friend was talking to one of his graduate school classmates, uh, who was this cute woman that introduced herself as Mari. The next thing, um, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I SPEAKER_07: I knew, you know, an hour more had gone by and my friend had left by this point. Um, and maybe Mari, if you want to take it from there. Sure. So the conversation was flowing well, and I brought up a recent trip to the Amazon for work and Andy asked me if I had seen a Jaguar. Um, so I put out a picture on my phone of a, um, SPEAKER_11: Jaguar paw print and I explained that, uh, I didn't see one directly, but I saw a fresh and warm paw print. So I knew that one Jaguar, like a Jaguar was very close. And, and this is when Andy brought in Radio Lab. Yeah. SPEAKER_11: SPEAKER_07: Um, it's, it's, it's a littleTeak channel talk, which is one of my favorites. Um, and there isn't a Jaguar in it, but there is a leopard. So it was kind of a stretch, but of course I asked for Mari's phone number, so I could share the podcast with her. And then SPEAKER_07: for that episode and helping me get my future wife's phone number. Thank you. I would hope that people would be using episodes of Radiolab to get phone SPEAKER_04: numbers in all 50 states. And globally, yes. Why not in Canada as well? SPEAKER_04: At the risk of asking a question that opens a whole thing, but like SPEAKER_05: what were you doing in the forest? Oh, actually it was related to my career. SPEAKER_11: I work on forest conservation. Oh, gotcha. So, yeah, yeah. So, I'm originally from Brazil by then. I was working in Peru. So, it was just a work trip. Cool. All right. That sounds like SPEAKER_05: fun work. Yeah. I think Lulu and I, remember Lulu when we SPEAKER_04: went up to that guy who was creating all those national parks for those animals. And he had a sculpture in his driveway that we thought we thought we had run into a jaguar because it was sort of hiding behind a bush in Westchester, I believe. Yeah, that was an amazing interview. I think I'm SPEAKER_02: forgetting his name, but it was about, yes, his stutter and how a jaguar kind of helped him move through that. Oh my God, that's right. That's right. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much, Andy and Mariana. We have time enough SPEAKER_03: just to squeeze in one more call here. It is Nick in Wayne, New Jersey. Are you there? You're on the air. Hi, yes, I am. Thank you for taking my call. SPEAKER_03: Wonderful. Tell us, how did we change your life and should we be apologizing? And you have to do it in a minute or less, I'm sorry. Oh shoot, no, I'll be super quick. SPEAKER_10: I used to be a really pessimistic person and I kind of fell into a depression for a while, a number of years ago. And on the radio one day I was just kind of going through and I just found Radio Lab completely by accident. Andy was the episode on colors and learning that the fact that the world didn't have words for the color blue and just the idea and concept of it didn't even occur to them. Like I believe they mentioned was about how Native Americans didn't have a word for the color of the sky. That just concept of that kind of question didn't even occur to me ever before and it gave me a deep hunger to learn more about the nature of the world and it just led to such an appreciation for everything around me and have kind of inspired this lifelong search for more knowledge, more just understanding of the world and just constantly being amazed at what we don't know. Thank you so much, Nick. Thank you for calling in and thanks to everyone who called in this SPEAKER_02: whole night as we tried this out. We pledge to keep trying to change your life. SPEAKER_03: Yeah. And biggest thanks of all to Jad and Robert for making this show, this little world that we live in. We love you both. So much. Love you too. Yeah, absolutely. SPEAKER_02: So as our real thank you to you, Robert and Jad and to all of the listeners who listened over the 20 years and maybe are even still listening tonight unclear, we have our big ender for our birthday party because no birthday party is complete without amazing refreshments. And so we have cooked up the biggest and best one we can think of. But we need some help. We need our callers. Callers, are you there? Wame Mothalo, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Great. And where are you? Where are you calling from? From Botswana in Maung. OK. And what time is it there and what does it look like around you right now? SPEAKER_21: Right now it's 3.55 a.m. SPEAKER_03: Thank you for staying up. I know. Thank you for getting up. And what is it? What does it look like out there? What can you SPEAKER_02: say? Well, it's dark and very, very cold because it's winter. SPEAKER_03: OK, we're going to we're going to make this really quick then. We promise. Eric, Eric Villard, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Where where are you and what time is it and what does it look like all around you? It's just about 4 p.m. my time and I'm on Hawaii, which is near Honolulu, Hawaii. SPEAKER_08: OK. And it's it's beautiful here. I mean, it's it is, you know, big palm trees and Hawaiian grass SPEAKER_08: and cool breezes and and these amazing trees. I got to find out what the name there are. These amazing colors on the park. Right. So it's a beautiful place. OK, so. So Wame in Botswana, SPEAKER_02: it's cold and dark. Eric, in Hawaii, it's warm and light. You are standing on opposite sides of the globe right now. What are these called again, Latif? Antipodes. OK, so picture Wame SPEAKER_02: up top on top of the earth and Eric on the bottom. Have you each, as instructed, brought a piece of bread? Yes, I have a piece of Hawaiian bread. Wame, what kind of bread do you have? SPEAKER_03: I have a piece of brown bread. Brown bread. Perfect. OK, so now on the count of three, SPEAKER_02: we would like to ask you to put the bread on the ground. OK, three, two, one, go. SPEAKER_02: Done. Just did on the ground. Listeners, we have made an earth sandwich. SPEAKER_02: Everyone listening, we are right now inside the very same sandwich. Incredible. Incredible. So warm. Shout out to artist Zay Frank. Back in 2006, SPEAKER_03: Zay made the world's first earth sandwich. A baguette was placed on the ground in Spain and a baguette was placed on the ground in New Zealand. And we've been wanting to make one ever since. And we just did. Zay made the world's first earth sandwich. That is it for this hour of Radiolab Live After Dark. Thanks to our dream team over here, SPEAKER_03: Mary Croak, Leora Noam Kravitz, Zach Gauterer-Cohen, Jason Isaac, Regina Dehear, Jessica Baldurama, Peter Iolano, Matt Marando, Megan Ryan, Erin Cohen, Carolyn McCusker, Sindhu Nyanisambandhan, Annie McEwen, Dylan Keith, Jeremy Blum, Soren Wheeler and Susie Lechtenberg. SPEAKER_02: Special thanks to Alan and Alita Gofinski, Alex Wellerstein and Catherine B. Razzugo. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams. And happy birthday, Radiolab. SPEAKER_23: Okay, that was our experiment with live radio in celebration of Radiolab's birthday. I hope you had fun listening to it. We had a lot of fun making it. Just to remind you, this was only half of the full sort of live show we did. We did two hours last week. And members of the lab and Radiolab Plus on Apple Podcasts will get exclusive access to the first hour. I played you the second here. The first hour of that radio show, they'll get that next Monday, May 30th at 10 a.m. Eastern time. So if you subscribe to the lab at slash join and to Radiolab Plus on Apple Podcasts, you will be getting that in your feed. You can go back and listen to it and re-listen to it whenever you want. I'll tell you there are some very fun things in that first hour. You get to hear from our editor, Alex Neeson's cat, Poppy. You get to hear silly questions from call-in listeners. So a lot of fun there. And you even at the very end, get to hear my father-in-law's dog sing with me, happy birthday. So if you want all that, just join up to the lab. And whether you do or not, this is Radiolab. I'm Soren Wheeler. Thanks for listening and we'll be back next week. Radiolab was created by Chad Aboumrad and is edited by Soren Wheeler. Lulu Miller and SPEAKER_00: Latif Nasser are our co-hosts. Suzy Lechtenberg is our executive producer. Dailing Keefe is our director of sound design. Our staff includes Simon Adler, Jeremy Bloom, Becca Bressler, Rachel Cusick, W. Harry Fortuna, David Gable, Maria Paz-Coutieris, Sindhu Nyanisambindam, Matt Keilty, Annie McEwen, Alex Neeson, Sara Khari, Anna Rosklet-Passe, Arianne Wack, Pat Walters, and Molly Webster. With help from Carolyn McCusker and Sarah Sonnbach. Our fact checkers are Diane Kelly, Emily Krieger, and Adam Shibow. SPEAKER_12: Hi, I'm Ram from India. Leadership support for Radiolab science programming is provided by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Science Sandbox, the Simons Foundation Initiative, and the John Templeton Foundation. Foundational support for Radiolab was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Radiolab is supported by Capital One. With no fees or minimums, SPEAKER_02: banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions. Even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision? That's banking reimagined. What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See Capital One dot com slash bank Capital One N.A. member FDIC.