What's Up Doc?

Episode Summary

The episode explores the life of Mel Blanc, the voice of iconic cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, and many more. In 1961, Blanc was in a devastating car accident that left him in a coma for two weeks. One day, a doctor went to check on him and said "Bugs Bunny, how are you doing today?" To everyone's surprise, Blanc responded in Bugs Bunny's voice saying "What's up Doc?" He then proceeded to cycle through several of his famous voices. This led many to believe the characters themselves brought Blanc out of his coma. His son Noel explained that Mel would actually become the characters when voicing them, morphing his body and mannerisms. So the voices were engrained deep in his mind. Neurologists theorized that with his higher brain functions impaired after the accident, Blanc fell back on these rehearsed voices he knew so well when prompted with the name of the character. After months of recovery, Blanc returned to voice acting despite being in a body cast. He continued working for decades until his death in 1989 at age 81. His tombstone reads "That's All Folks," the famous closing line of Porky Pig that Blanc voiced for so many years. The episode explores the magic of Mel Blanc's voice acting talents and imagines what it must have been like for him to breathe life into these iconic cartoon characters.

Episode Show Notes

Mel Blanc was known as “the man of 1,000 voices,” but, to hear his son tell it, the actual number was closer to 1,500. Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Tweety, Barney Rubble, Woody Woodpecker, Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn — all Mel. These characters made him one of the most beloved men in the United States.

In this episode from 2012, Mel Blanc’s son Noel tells Producer Sean Cole how his father’s entire body would transform to bring life to these characters. But on a fateful day of 1961, after a crash left Mel in a lengthy coma, it was the characters who brought life to him.Episode Credits:Reported by Sean Cole

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Leadership support for Radiolab’s science programming is provided by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation Initiative, and the John Templeton Foundation. Foundational support for Radiolab was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Episode Transcript

SPEAKER_13: Radiolab is supported by Apple Card. Apple Card has a cash-back rewards program unlike other credit cards. You earn unlimited daily cash on every purchase, receive it daily, and can grow it at 4.15% annual percentage yield when you open a savings account. Apply for Apple Card in the Wallet app on iPhone. Apple Card subject to credit approval. Savings is available to Apple Card owners subject to eligibility requirements. Savings accounts provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA. Member FDIC terms apply. SPEAKER_02: Listener supported. WNYC Studios. Crack cocaine plagued the United States for more than a decade. This week on Notes from SPEAKER_01: America, author Donovan Ramsey explains how the myths of crack prolonged a disastrous era and shaped millions of lives. Listen now wherever you get your podcasts. SPEAKER_13: Best of season is almost upon us. And so I am here with a best of list. This is Lulu Miller, by the way. You're listening to Radiolab. And I have with me a best of list that our producer W. Harry Fortuna brought to our attention recently. It is a best of list that he remembers reading as a kid published in the Washington Post. They put together a best of the millennium. And so I'm going to read a couple of the items here. We've got best work of art, the Sistine Chapel. It's a good work of art. Best scientist, Einstein. Biggest irony, quote, the rehabilitation of intuition, faith and emotion as powers of equal or greater import than reason. Greatest genius, Shakespeare. But the surprise of the whole list for Harry, and for me too, now that I've read it, is who won best actor from the year 1000 to 2000? Who is it? Bugs freaking Bunny. And I'm not sure that I agree, but I do know that Bugs Bunny holds a very, very special and rare distinction. He is the only imaginary friend to have literally brought his creator back from the brink of death. Something I learned listening to this episode, which first aired back in 2012. Oh, I should have brought a carrot, but snap. What's up, doc? I hope you enjoy. SPEAKER_09: Wait, you're listening to Radio Lab. SPEAKER_10: From WNYC. SPEAKER_13: Rewind. SPEAKER_06: Hey, here we are post hurricane. I'm Jad Aboumrad. I'm Robert Krillwich. This is Radio Lab. And today... Well, you might call this a character study, I suppose. Yeah, comes from our producer, Sean Cole. Hello. SPEAKER_05: Hey. So, start us off. Story's about Mel Blanc. Be a man of many. You know who that is. No, I don't. SPEAKER_09: You don't know who Mel Blanc is? SPEAKER_06: Why? Should I know who he is? SPEAKER_05: No, you do know who he is because of what he did. What did he do? He was the voice of Bugs Bunny. Yeah. Oh. SPEAKER_05: And... You're despicable. Daffy Duck. Porky Pig. Lucky me. Yosemite Sam. So long, rabbit! Peppy Le Pew. You smelled me out, you little sandy witch. Stand still! Sylvester. Okay, Twitty Cat. Tweety. I say go away, boy. You bother me. Uh, corn like corn. SPEAKER_06: Give me back my chicken. Your chicken? That was all one guy? Yeah. Shut up. Wow. Okay, so what's the story? Dude, I'm nowhere near done with this. SPEAKER_05: Woody Woodpecker. Mel Blanc. Barney Rubble. Is it safe to come in? SPEAKER_05: Mel Blanc. Dino the dinosaur. Mel Blanc. And on the other side of the anachronistic spectrum... Oh, you guys won't believe this. He was Mr. Spacely for the Jetson. Really? Yes. SPEAKER_00: Where's that Jetson? Let's see. Who put the antiface in my carburetor? SPEAKER_05: Speed Buggy. Secret Squirrel. Great chief. Captain Caveman. Captain Caveman! And Twiggy from Buck Rogers. If you ever watch that. Yeah. SPEAKER_00: What about the bomb? SPEAKER_06: Holy ****. The voice of my childhood. The voice says. Well, it sounds like a crowd. SPEAKER_02: Oh my gosh. SPEAKER_04: My dad got so many requests to do so many voices. This is Noel Blanc, Mel's son. SPEAKER_05: His only kid, actually. SPEAKER_04: Kids would come to the door literally every single day and he'd answer the door and talk to the kids. And then up at Big Bear where we are now, when the tour boats come just like they do now, we'd get on the megaphone, do the characters and say hi to all the tourists, you know, twelve times a day. Holy Mo. That's how many tour boats we have. SPEAKER_05: Now and you do voices too. That's right, Doc. SPEAKER_04: I do a few of the voices that my daddy does and did. He did 1,500 voices. 1,500? Yeah. I copy a few of them. And there's a bunch of us that do different voices and we've never been able to really sound like, exactly like him. SPEAKER_05: So it took many of you to be one of him. Oh my gosh, yes. SPEAKER_04: I do Bugs Porky, Daffy, Tweety, Sylvester, but there's other people that do it too. And all of them sound, you know, if he goes, nyeh, what's up, Doc? It can sound real close to him, but then when you start to do sentences, it becomes very difficult for anybody to sound like him because everybody has their own voice print. SPEAKER_04: And Mel had his own voice print. SPEAKER_05: But this isn't really a story about voices. Or it is, but not in the way that you think. SPEAKER_05: It's really about what it's like to breathe life into a character and whether that character can breathe life back into you. See, back in 1961, Dad and I had started... Mel and Noel went into business together producing radio commercials. Funny commercials. SPEAKER_04: Because humorous commercials weren't really being done at that time. Very few. So we decided to start to do that. We sent out all the brochures. And that's the week, the same week, that Mel had a head-on collision at Dead Man's Curve at UCLA. SPEAKER_05: Where was he headed? He had just finished a recording session in San Francisco. SPEAKER_04: He had flown to San Francisco early in the morning, came back, ate dinner with my mom. SPEAKER_05: Then rushed back out to do another recording session. And a kid in a 98' Osmobile, gigantic car, lost control on Dead Man's Curve. SPEAKER_04: Head-on collision. My dad was in an Aston Martin, which was an aluminum-bodied English car. And it folded right up. They had to cut him out of there. Luckily, he was only a block from the UCLA hospital. Is that like the Jaws of Life cut him out? SPEAKER_05: Yeah, yeah. SPEAKER_04: They gave him a thousand to one chance of survival. And he broke virtually every bone in his body. SPEAKER_02: Well, I think that was more than a slight exaggeration. But from his point of view, it probably felt just like that. SPEAKER_05: This is Lewis Conway. SPEAKER_02: Lewis W. Conway, I do very little these days. He's a doctor. Before I retired, I was a neurosurgeon. And he was on the floor at UCLA Medical Center back then. SPEAKER_05: I was a resident. He was like 29 at the time. I think I was the first one to see Mel Blanc in the emergency room. SPEAKER_02: He was very unrecognizable at the time. You know, blood and gore and so forth. So we cleaned him up. And then it became clear that he was going to be a major celebrity in the place, providing I kept him alive. SPEAKER_05: When you show up at the hospital, what's the first? How are you greeted there? SPEAKER_04: A lot of flashing cameras. And all of a sudden, I knew something was really bad. I met my mom. We went inside. There were a lot of people there. A lot of papers because they thought he was going to die. In fact, there was an obituary written in the Honolulu Herald that said Bugs Bunny's dead. SPEAKER_06: That was the headline? Headline. SPEAKER_04: And uh. He must have been really freaked out. Oh yeah. Totally. So was my mom. We couldn't believe it. And he was ashen gray. He didn't look like he was going to make it at all. SPEAKER_05: The doctors did manage to get him stabilized, but he was unconscious. SPEAKER_04: He was in a coma. So we just stayed there. Ran home. Take a shower. Come back. SPEAKER_05: For one day, then the next, then the next. We were at the hospital for about two weeks. SPEAKER_04: And uh. Trying to talk to him. Yeah. Can you hear us, Mel? It was always, can you hear me? Dad, can you hear me? I mean, deeply unconscious, not responding. SPEAKER_04: I call him dad, pop, father, whatever it is, Mel. We try to do anything. Not opening his eyes. There was really no response. SPEAKER_05: And it became possible that he would never respond. But after about 14 days, a doctor came in. SPEAKER_04: He was a resident. Dr. Conway. This is me, the resident. He was a resident. And he went over to Mel's bed. SPEAKER_05: And for whatever reason, maybe just to mix things up. I said to him, without any real reason to suspect SPEAKER_02: he would know what I was saying, I said to him. SPEAKER_02: Bugs. Bugs Bunny. How are you doing today? SPEAKER_04: And I'll be darned if Mel didn't go. SPEAKER_00: Yeah. What's up, Doc? SPEAKER_06: He responded as Bugs? Yeah. Quite clearly. SPEAKER_04: What? Then he went Porky, are you there? Dad said, I can hear you. I can hear you. I can hear you. Oh my god. Tweety, are you here? SPEAKER_05: Ooh. Ooh. Tawny, Tawny, Tawny, Tawny. Foghorn, acorn. Pay attention, son. You see that house over there that says D-O-G? That spells chicken. He said all that? SPEAKER_06: Yeah. SPEAKER_04: Bugs, Daffy, Porky, Tweety, Sylvester. All these characters? He went through about six characters. SPEAKER_05: Are you standing there watching this? SPEAKER_04: Yeah. Oh yeah. SPEAKER_05: And what's going through your mind at the time? SPEAKER_04: Well, I'm so excited that he's able to, that he came out of the coma. How else are you going to feel when he hasn't done anything for 14 days, really hasn't been conscious, and then all of a sudden, he's conscious doing these characters. SPEAKER_05: And then according to Noel, after doing the characters for a few moments, he just came back. SPEAKER_04: Where am I? What happened? As Mel. Oh, OK. You're at UCLA, you're in a traffic accident. Oh, was anybody else hurt? No, the boy had a scratched knee, I see. So wait just a sec here. SPEAKER_09: When he said, what's up, doc? Was that Mel Blanc talking, or was that Bugs Bunny inside Mel Blanc? SPEAKER_05: That's the question, and it's a question that actually came back again 23 years later. SPEAKER_11: Mr. Mel Blanc, this is your life. SPEAKER_05: On TV, on this show, This Is Your Life, which you've heard of, and they bring out a celebrity, and then they take the celebrity's family and everybody they work with, and they say like, hey, remember this and remember that. SPEAKER_09: Mel's funny voices used to drive our high school principal crazy. SPEAKER_05: And you know, it's all very light and airy and fun until- At 8.29 p.m., January 24th, 1961, SPEAKER_04: it all comes to a crashing halt. SPEAKER_05: They start talking about the car accident, and they call the doctor out to the stage. SPEAKER_04: Neurosurgeon Dr. Louis Conway. SPEAKER_05: Enter stage right to tell the whole coma story, and the host says, doc, what did you think when this all happened? SPEAKER_03: I was astonished. Mel was dying, and it seemed as though Bugs Bunny was trying to save his life. SPEAKER_05: That, that is the idea that has survived more than any other part of this story. That's the thing that keeps coming back and back, and it's like, wait a second, like what? What does it mean? What does it mean? And it just presents all of these questions, like who is Mel really? Who is Bugs Bunny really? When you make somebody up, do they compete with you in some way? Compete and win. Right, exactly. Is that more deeply in Mel than Mel is? Do you know what I mean? Yeah, totally. I brought Dr. Conway back to that moment. SPEAKER_03: Seemed as though Bugs Bunny was trying to save his life. SPEAKER_05: I don't remember saying that, but I may well have. Do you think there's anything to that? SPEAKER_02: Well, I don't really know that Bugs Bunny was that skillful, but- So I basically say not much to it, I don't think. SPEAKER_04: So I asked Noel. It's an interesting headline, Bugs Bunny Saves Mel. He didn't save his life, but he certainly got him out of the coma. SPEAKER_05: Then he told me something that does feed into the idea that these characters had minds of their own. He says as a kid, he would watch his dad perform, and every time- SPEAKER_04: He became those characters. I could turn the sound off in a booth where you couldn't hear him, just turn the speakers off and watch him and know exactly what character he was doing because his whole body would metamorphosize to that character. He looked like Bugs Bunny when he was doing Bugs. He looked just like Yosemite Sam when he was doing Yosemite Sam. He became really small and timid when he was doing Tweety. SPEAKER_06: So he was sort of like a method actor? SPEAKER_05: Yeah, sort of. I mean, the way Noel described it, it was like these characters momentarily inhabited him. So I think they were part of him, basically. SPEAKER_06: But still, what I don't get, though, is why would he respond to what's up Bugs rather than what's up Mel or what's up Dad or what's up Honey, you know what I mean? That's a difficult question. SPEAKER_04: I wish I could answer it. Noel didn't really wanna go there. Anyway, what other questions do you have? You were stuck on that one. I kind of am stuck on it. SPEAKER_05: And I know that it's not a question anybody can ultimately answer, but I called up this guy. SPEAKER_11: This is Oren Dvinsky at NYU Medical Center. SPEAKER_05: A neurologist that we sometimes throw questions like this to, and I ran him through the whole scenario. This guy comes into the room and says, Hi Bugs Bunny, how are you doing today? And he says, what's up, doc? SPEAKER_05: Interesting. So he batted around in his head for a while, and then he said, well, it might have something to do with cues, like getting the cues mixed up. SPEAKER_03: What do you mean? SPEAKER_05: Well, first of all. SPEAKER_11: Being in a coma for a few weeks speaks to a very significant brain injury. SPEAKER_05: And what Oren often sees with people who've had brain injuries like Mel's is that they lose the ability to read the cues that tell them who they're supposed to be when. Dad at home, boss at the office, Bugs in the studio, whatever. Here's a man who no longer has his ability SPEAKER_11: to differentiate social cues of right and wrong, of when to be Bugs Bunny and when not to be Bugs Bunny, where he is and where he isn't. SPEAKER_05: You have to keep in mind that when he was working, this is a guy who was getting cued all the time. SPEAKER_04: He was doing 18 radio shows a week at one time. Wow. So he'd just be running down the street from ABC to CBS to NBC, and they'd hand him a script and he'd run on stage and do it. SPEAKER_00: I'm a little, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, private sad sack. SPEAKER_04: So he had those characters buried in himself that could come out, surface incredibly fast. On a dime. Yeah. Here's the script. That's the character. Boom. SPEAKER_05: So if he's got all these characters hanging around in his head, just waiting for the right cue, and in his head that part of the brain that interprets the cues is all messed up. Oh, no. Maybe in a way, when Dr. Conway said, Bugs Bunny, how are you doing today? Maybe the way Mel heard it was, hey, Mel, you're on. Oh, no. SPEAKER_11: No. No. No. No. No. SPEAKER_02: In his mind, I may have been the director at the time, for all I know. SPEAKER_05: Even the good doctor went along with this one. It's as though he was given permission to talk now, SPEAKER_02: because it was his time to talk, certainly. SPEAKER_05: So on one level, it's obviously crazy to think that Bugs Bunny saved his life, because after all, he was just a cartoon character. But whether or not those characters saved him, I mean, in that moment, they were the most essential part of him, you could say. Because when the rest of Mel was adrift and sort of lost in the ether, Bugs was there. He was ready to go to work, which makes perfect sense to Oren Devinsky. SPEAKER_11: I mean, that was a rehearsed thing that he did. Once you practice things long enough, they kind of become automatic in lower portions of the brain. And that's why when the higher brain's injured, sometimes, these lower brain functions can come out so beautifully, because they have been kind of wired in over time. So the Bugs Bunny voice was perfectly preserved deep inside. SPEAKER_05: Bugs Bunny is like crystallized and kept over here in a protective jar away from the rattling cage of the brain. Exactly. SPEAKER_11: He went down into the safe. SPEAKER_13: Lulu here. If you ever heard the classic Radiolab episode, Sometimes Behave So Strangely, you know that speech can suddenly leap into music and really how strange and magic sound itself can be. We at Radiolab take sound seriously and use it to make our journalism as impactful as it can be. And we need your help to keep doing it. The best way to support us is to join our membership program, The Lab. This month, all new members will get a T-shirt that says, Sometimes Behave So Strangely. To check out the T-shirt and support the show, go to radiolab.org slash join. Radiolab is supported by Capital One. With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions, even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision? That's banking reimagined. What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See capitalone.com slash bank. Capital One NA, member FDIC. Radiolab is supported by Apple Card. Apple Card has a cashback rewards program unlike other credit cards. You earn unlimited daily cash on every purchase, receive it daily, and can grow it at 4.15 annual percentage yield when you open a savings account. Apply for Apple Card in the Wallet app on iPhone. Apple Card subject to credit approval. Savings is available to Apple Card owners subject to eligibility requirements. Savings accounts provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, member FDIC. Terms apply. SPEAKER_12: After but her emails became shorthand in 2016 for the media's deep focus on Hillary Clinton's server hygiene at the expense of policy issues, is history repeating itself? SPEAKER_10: You can almost see an equation, again, I would say led by the times in Biden being old with Donald Trump being under dozens of felony indictments. SPEAKER_12: Listen to On the Media from WNYC. Find On the Media wherever you get your podcasts. SPEAKER_06: So what ended up happening to Mel? SPEAKER_05: Well, he took a long time to recover. And was in a body cast for, gosh, seven months. SPEAKER_05: But he worked the entire time. I mean, he never stopped working. Right. SPEAKER_09: Let's go, Fred. SPEAKER_05: They're bringing the equipment to him? I brought the equipment in, dangled the mic over the bed, SPEAKER_04: and he started to work there. What's going on? In fact, the first 65 Flintstones. SPEAKER_05: You would never know this. Barney, in real life. What's on your mind, Barney? I'm kind of busy. Was flat on his back in a body cast. SPEAKER_09: Just passing by on my way to see the doctor. The doctor? What's the matter with you, Barney boy? SPEAKER_05: And then in 1989, for the first time, Noel and Mel both were starring in this commercial for Oldsmobile. Mel's 81 and the shtick. They did a bunch of these. The shtick was not your father's Oldsmobile. SPEAKER_04: We did the commercial. It took us all day to do it. And he had just gotten over the flu, so he wasn't feeling that great. And I says, dad, why don't you run over to the doctor? So he goes over to the doctor. And I call the doctor. I says, what's the story? He says, well, he's fine. I can give him a shot and send him home. But I'd love to clear his lungs out. So why don't we just put him in the hospital overnight, clear his lungs out. Men send him home. So I talked to my dad. I says, you want to do that? He says, well, OK. What the heck. I'll see you in the morning, Pop. Oh, yeah. Got there the next morning about 7.30. I says, how do you feel? He says, my leg hurts. I says, why? The nurses at the hospital forgot to put up the bed rails on the side of the bed. SPEAKER_04: Well, you know how high a hospital bed is. He had fallen out of the bed and broken his femur. Fat emboli got into the brain by that time. And within 48 hours, he was basically almost brain dead. Oh, god. Yeah. During the next couple of days, he'd come in and out of his coma or in and out of his sleep. SPEAKER_04: And I tried to rouse him with the characters like the doctor had 30 years earlier. You would? Yeah. Bugs are you in there? Yeah. SPEAKER_04: It was very difficult at that time because he's 30 years older now. He's 81 years old. And it was difficult to revive him after each time that he would fall back to sleep again. SPEAKER_05: And just before his dad passed away, Noel says that Mel looked at him. And in the voice of Yosemite Sam, he said, Noel, I love you. SPEAKER_04: And that was about it. SPEAKER_04: Oh, my god. SPEAKER_04: It was the last character he did. And the last character on film, or recorded character. SPEAKER_05: Which was in that Oldsmobile ad I told you about. Was Porky saying, that's all folks. SPEAKER_05: And that's what his tombstone says, too. That's all folks. SPEAKER_06: Wow. SPEAKER_09: Thank you, Sean Cole. SPEAKER_06: Sean does some good voices himself. SPEAKER_09: He does. But we won't share them with you. And that's what he did in the company of Mr. Mel Blanc. SPEAKER_06: Very, very big thanks to Noel Blanc, Mel Blanc's son. And to Dr. Louis Conway, the doctor. And to Robert's boyfriend, Oren Dvinsky. That's an inside joke. I do like Oren Dvinsky. Oh, and a huge thanks to Mel Blanc himself, wherever he may be, for all those voices that populated our youth. SPEAKER_06: I'm Jad Abumrad. I'm Robert Kralwich. Thanks for listening. The end of the year, that's all folks. SPEAKER_00: We're here to tell you, jingle, jingle, jingle. SPEAKER_11: Our holiday merch store is about to open up. It's opening on November 25th for everyone. SPEAKER_13: But if you are a member of the lab, you get early access. Yeah, you can get first dibs on whatever you want, SPEAKER_14: starting Friday, November 18th. We got new stuff in there. We've got holiday cards. We've got a holiday party going on. And we're going to be doing this for a couple of weeks. And we're going to be doing something that the pandemic has been about. We got new stuff in there. SPEAKER_13: We've got holiday cards. We've got these Radiolab beer glasses. We've got baby onesies, plus all the old goodies like the sweatpants and t-shirts and hats. SPEAKER_14: And bonus, not only do you get exclusive early access as a member, you also get free shipping if you are a member. And again, only during the member week. Also, for two of the tiers, butterfly members get 10% off whatever they buy. Mantis shrimp members get 15% off whatever they buy. And every lab member gets free shipping? SPEAKER_14: If that sounds tantalizing to you and you are not yet a member, but want to be, go to radiolab.org slash join. That's in addition to all the other stuff you get, like ad-free version of the show, bonus content, tons of perks, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And, you know, it's not just discounted tote bags and hats. SPEAKER_13: It's the way that you help support us do what we do. And so we're so grateful. Check it out, radiolab.org slash join if you want to become a member and have a great holiday season. SPEAKER_07: Radiolab was created by Jad Abumrad and is edited by Soren Wheeler. Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser are our co-hosts. Suzy Lechtenberg is our executive producer. Dylan Keefe is our director of sound design. Our staff includes Simon Adler, Jeremy Blum, Becca Bressler, Rachel Cusick, Aketi Foster-Keys, W. Harry Fortuna, David Gable, María Pascu-Tieres, Sindhu Nenasanbandhan, Matt Keote, Annie McEwen, Alex Neeson, Sarah Khari, Ana Rasquette-Paz, Sarah Sandback, Ariane Wack, Pat Walters, and Molly Webster, with help from Andrew Vinales. Our fact checkers are Diane Kelly, Emily Krieger, and Natalie Middleton. SPEAKER_08: Hi, this is Jeremiah Barba, and I'm calling from San Francisco, California. Leadership support for Radiolab science programming is provided by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Science Sandbox, Simon Foundation Initiative, and the John Templeton Foundation. Foundational support for Radiolab was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. SPEAKER_13: Radiolab is supported by Capital One. With no fees or minimums, banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions, even easier than deciding to listen to another episode of your favorite podcast. And with no overdraft fees, is it even a decision that's banking reimagined? What's in your wallet? Terms apply. See capitalone.com slash bank. Capital One N-A, member FDIC.